Weather Trivia
Resource II
Video Game Trivia

This country experiences the most tornadoes.

What is USA?

The name of this initiative will help customers that prefer to communicate with SMS.

What is "Connect 2 Messaging"?


The original profession of video game character Mario.

What is a Carpenter?


This is seen when the Sun shines on water droplets in the air.

What is a rainbow?


Do this to move any Fundraising orders you claim that have the Campaign Flag over to a Fundraising team member for review.

What is utilize the Booster Point chat and select "Art Support" to get in touch with a Fundraising TM. (If no one is available via chat, please hold the order and send an email to )


In the "Gran Turismo" video game series this kind of sport is played.

What is racing?


This is caused directly by the unequal heating of the atmosphere by the Sun.

What is Wind?


The fastest way to check for Digitally Enabled Products.

What is search on Metabase? (Using the filter function w/ step by step in RU)


This game on the original NES used the "Zapper Gun".

What is Duck Hunt?


A wind at force 10 on the Beaufort scale can have this effect on trees.

What is uproot them?


Do this if anyone (including government officials) calls or reaches out to Custom Ink requesting information regarding one of our customers .

What is let them know we do not provide information regarding a customer or a customer's order without such a person's consent? (If they have questions or want to discuss further reference them to "".)


This game console introduced different shapes to the four buttons on their controllers.

What is Sony PlayStation?


The speed (in mph) at which wind becomes hurricane force.

What is 73 mph?


The external Cart/Checkout has been updated with Phase 2 of this rollout to help customers with this exemption.

What is Self Serve Tax Exemption?


The 2nd video game console produced by Microsoft.

What is Xbox 360?