Who invented the Rubiks cube?
Erno Rubik
What was the original Rubiks Cube?
What is the Pocket Cube also known as?
Mini Cube
What is the fastest time the Rubiks Cube has been solved in? (3x3 cube)
3.13 seconds (Max Park in 2023).
What is a Pyraminx?
A Rubiks Cube in the shape of a pyramid.
What is the world's fastest solving time using feet?
15.56 seconds (Mohammed Aiman Koli, India,2019).
What is the biggest Rubiks Cube today (2024)?
What is a Mirror Cube?
Similar to the original, but instead of different colored pieces, there are different shapes to the pieces.
What is the arrangement of the colors on a standard Rubiks Cube?
White opposite yellow.
Blue opposite green.
Orange opposite red.
How much does the most expensive Rubiks Cube cost?
1.5 Million Dollars (Masterpiece Cube)
What is a Floppy Cube and Super Floppy Cube?
Floppy Cube is a 1x3x3 that needs to move 3 pieces at a time.
Super Floppy Cube is a 1x3x3 that can move single pieces, two at a time, or 3 at a time.
In what year was the Rubik's Cube inducted into the National Toy Hall Of Fame?
When was Rubiks Cube the best selling toy at Walmart?
2015 with over $111 million in retail sales.
Who originally held the patent for the 2x2x2 and what year?
Nicholas D. Nichols, invented in 1970, patent granted in 1972.
What was the solving time for the first person to win the first world championship in 1982?
22.95 seconds (held by Minh Thai).