Big Picture
Explanations/Possible Evidence
Miscellaneous/Not Found in Handbook

How many domains are there? 

What is 3 domains


Teacher consistently provides differentiated instructional content and strategies to ensure students have the opportunity to master what is being taught

What is Teacher Knowledge of Students


Provide an explanation for the descriptor "are designed to provide feedback on progress against objectives. (Assessments)

What is "assessment plans must address how the teacher will collect data and information before, during, and after the lesson to monitor student progress toward the lesson objective. This can be accomplished through formal checks for understanding, which includes preplanned moments during key points of each lesson." (pg. 74)


Teachers and students facilitate the learning is which description of performance level? (5, 3, 1)

What is 5


What platform do we enter observation data into?

What is EEPASS Fun fact: EEPASS stands for Educator Effectiveness Preparation and Support System


How many indicators are there?

What is 19


Students are able to articulate expectations and explain those to their peers.

What is Standards and Objectives


Find an explanation for the descriptor the teacher and/or students model metacognitive strategies.

What is "The teacher and students make their thinking visible in the classroom when they model metacognitive strategies, opening their brains up for others to see the steps of their thinking process. Metacognitive models can support students in their own thinking processes." (pg. 59-60)


What is one piece of evidence of student-centered learning/student ownership of learning in the indicator Motivating Students?

What is.....answers may vary (pg. 21-22)


IGP stands for what?

What is Individual Growth Plan


What domain is the Indicator Grouping Students in?

What is the Instruction Domain.


Students understand and engage in classroom routines and transitions to ensure efficient use of time.

What is Lesson Structure and Pacing Indicator (pg. 5)


Find an explanation for the descriptor criteria that clarifies how students can be successful.

What is "Criteria is a concrete list of performance expectations for students to attend to throughout a lesson and to obtain mastery. In other words, success criteria provides students with explicit actions that overview what success will look and sound like throughout as they progress towards mastery..." (pg. 26)


What is the indicator overview for Expectations?

What is "The descriptors under this indicator directly connect to descriptors in the Instruction domain. In order to fully exceed expectations for the descriptors under Expectations, teachers should have a deep knowledge of the students they are teaching as well as deep knowledge of standards and contents, in order to ensure that clear and rigorous academic expectations are established. (pg. 76)


What is the 5 steps of effective learning?

What is Identify, Obtain, Develop, Apply, Evaluate.


What domain is the indicator Student Work in?

What is the Designing and Planning Domain


Name one difference between proficient and exemplary in the Problem Solving indicator.

Answers may vary


Find possible evidence for the descriptor students' individual needs are attended to, and pacing provides opportunities for individual students who progress at different learning rates.

What is "The teacher planned for students's individual needs by intentionally organizing the groups. By doing this, she knew which groups might need additional supports to complete the goal of the group assignment.... (pg. 30)


Define the term key concepts in the descriptor Teacher consistently highlights key concepts and ideas and uses them as bases to connect other powerful ideas. (Teacher Content Knowledge) 

What is "Key concepts and ideas within the content are critical for foundational understanding and connect conceptually with other powerful ideas both within and beyond the content. In order for teachers to make these conceptual connections for students, they must have an expert understanding of standards, skills, and understandings within their own content, as well as awareness of big ideas in other content areas." (pg. 50)


What materials should the teacher bring to his/her post conference?

What is graded and sorted student work and reflections about the student work. 


What are the 3 performance levels our rubric is broken into? 

What is Significantly Above Expectations (Exemplary 5), At Expectations (Proficient 3) and Significantly Below Expectations (Unsatisfactory 1). 


"How will you plan for questions that increase rigor and student ownership?" This is suggested coaching questions from what Indicator?

What is Questioning (pg. 39)


Find an explanation for the descriptor the teacher circulates during instructional activities to prompt student thinking, assess each student's progress based on student work expectations, and provide individual feedback.

What is "When students are engaged and collaborating, a teacher must walk around the classroom and learn to listen to students' conversations. Teachers should be listneing to key phrases that invite common misconceptions or on-track learning and then provide aligned feedback that prompts student thinking..." (pg. 41)


What is one suggested coaching question for the indicator Respectful Culture?

What is...answers may vary (pg. 89)


Who is Lowell Milken?

Who is Founder of NIET