Third LINE in treble clef.
Describe a stacatto.
Separated. Steal: Draw a stacatto under a note.
Draw a sharp sign
Steal: What does a line under a note mean?
Quarter note
1 beat
Steal: What does a dot beside a note do?
The top number means?
How many BEATS.
Steal: 4/4
First SPACE in treble clef
Describe a legato.
Steal: Describe or write the syllable used to play stacatto notes.
Draw a flat sign.
Steal: What does a sharp do to a note?
Half note
Two beats
Steal: Half note PLUS a quarter note.
Count two measures of 2/4
Steal: 3/4
Third SPACE in TREBLE clef.
Describe accents.
Strong fronts to the notes.
(Play louder is not acceptable.) Steal: Write syllable used to play legato.
What does a flat do to a note?
Lowers the pitch.
Steal: Draw an accent under a note.
Dotted quarter note
1 1/2 beats.
Steal: Whole note plus an eighth note.
Count two measures of 6/8
Steal: Count two measures of 4/8
2nd Space Treble Clef
What is the syllable used to articulate a regular note?
Steal: What can happen if you play a stacatto note "short" instead of "separated"?
Draw a natural sign.
Steal: What is another name for the Treble clef?
Dotted eighth note
3/4 of a beat.
Steal: 1 eighth note equals how many sixteenth notes?
Count 2 measures of 2/2
Steal: 5/8
One ledger LINE above treble clef.
A Steal: Two ledger LINES below treble clef.
What syllable do use for accents?
Steal: What is a problem you can run into when playing legato?
Draw a bass clef.
- Steal: What does a natural sign do to a note?
Dotted quarter PLUS an eighth note
2 beats
Steal: Dotted whole note plus a dotted quarter note.
Count two measures of 7/2
Steal: 12/8