4 Core Values
Classroom Basics
Rewards & Consequences
What are the 4 core values of the whole school?

1) be safe

2) be respectful

3) be responsible

4) own your education


When asking or answering a question you should ______  ________  _______.

(This includes when you need help with work.)

raise your hand


What part of the field is always off limits?

the hills


You can earn _______  ________ by following the 4 core values at school.

bulldog tickets


How do you know where your spot at the carpet is?

Find the bulldog paw with your number on it.


Walking in the hall is an example of which of the 4 core values?

Be Safe

What does voice level 0 or someone holding up a 0 mean?

No talking or noise-making

This includes whispering, whistling, or noise-making with hands and feet.


What is the number one rule of the snow (and bark)?

It stays on the ground unless you are building with it.


Name two things you can do with bulldog tickets you have earned.

Enter to say the pledge over the loud speaker (box by Mrs. Chapman's door).

Reward store on Thursdays (posted on closet door).


Where do you look to find:

1) the schedule for the day

2) your weekly job?

Bonus points (100): how often do the jobs change?

1) right side of the whiteboard by Mrs. Pfefferkorn's desk

2) the owl job chart above the whiteboard

Bonus: every week

Being organized is an example of which core value?

Be Responsible


What are two things you can use to help you focus at your desk and where are they located?

1) Divider - between desks

2) Noise canceling headphones - in the reset corner on the shelf


Who is in charge on the playground?

Bonus Points (100): Who can you go to for help solving a problem?

the duty teacher

Bonus: the duty teacher OR mediator


If everyone in our class is at school, what do we earn?


Once it is all spelled out, the whole class will get a reward (like Truffles).


How do we enter the classroom (at any point in the day)? I'm looking for 2 different words




Give an example of being respectful.

Answers will vary

(100 points for answers that show kindness, but are not true respect)

What is the reset corner for, how long can you stay back there, how many people can be back there at once?

Bonus Points (200): name 3 different things you can do in the reset corner.

1) the reset corner is to help regulate emotions (calm down, refocus, wake-up, etc.)

2) you can stay back there for a MAX of 5 minutes

3) one person at a time

Bonus points: color the sloth, use any of the textured materials (scarves, metal finger rubs), breathing exercises (on the wall or the finger tracing), fidget box, shape puzzle, bubblers, hold/squeeze stuffs


What do you have to have on to play in the field when there is snow?

Reminder: you should always check with a duty teacher before going in the field

Coat, snowpants, and boots (gloves and hat are recommended)


After 2 warnings, you have to fill out a _________ form to take home, have parents sign it, and bring it back the next day.

Three ___________ forms in a week is a __________. I will call home and you will have a consequence with Mrs. Chapman or Mrs. Robinson.

refocus, refocus, write-up


How do we line up?

All 4 rules gets 400 points

3 rules gets 300 points

2 rules gets 200 points

1 rule gets 100 points

1) Quietly

2) Hair Stares / Directly behind the person in front of you

3) Hands/Body to Self

4) Quickly

Doing your work in class when given time shows which of the four core values?

Own Your Education

(200 points for Responsible or Respectful)


If another student is not following one of the rules or core values and you've tried NICELY and CALMLY to stop (anywhere at school), what should you do?

There are TWO very important parts to this answer.

Get an adult right away!


What are the rules of the walkway to the playground?

(these also apply to being in line) - there are 3


stay on the right

hold the ball


To earn a letter for CARPET EXPECTATIONS:

1) who has to be involved

2) what are at least 2 of the expectations?

1) the whole class

2) sitting criss-cross, staying on your spot, raising your hand, staying quiet, participating, arms in sleeves, hands to self

List the steps of our morning routine.

1. Hang up ___________ and ___________.

2. _______ with Mrs. Pfefferkorn

3. Put ________ and ________ in __________ and ___________.

4. __________ on board.

5. __________ pencils.

6. Chromebooks - _____________

7. ___________ - after pledge

1. coat and backpack

2. Greeting

3. Put folder and lunchbox in folder box and lunch bin.

4. Hot or cold lunch

5. Sharpen 

6. Typing

7. Use Bathroom