What does the W in the WOLF way stand for?
Watch closely.
If I need permission to leave my seat or ask the teacher something I need to...
Raise my hand!
When Ms. Arnold lines us up in the classroom we line up...
quickly and quietly
If I need to use the restroom I...
Raise my hand to ask, join the boy/ girl bathroom line quietly in the pod
When it is time for lunch we sit how unless Ms. Arnold tells us different?
Sit at the next open lunch seat
What does the O in the WOLF Way stand for?
Objects, hands, and feet to self.
What do I need to take out of my backpack and put in the green crate?
Behavior folder
When we walk down the hall we stand...
quietly, feet behind feet
When the class is out at the bathroom I..
Wait quietly and play Quiet Mouse
As a reward Ms. Arnold will let us...
sit where we want at the lunch table.
What does the L in WOLF Way stand for?
Listen with a purpose.
When Ms. Arnold is at the board teaching, I should be...
Actively listening and participating in the lesson
If one of my friends tries to start talking to me in the hall I should...
Ignore them for now, not the time and place
While in the bathroom I...
Do my business, wash my hands, and then sit quietly until the class is finished
For us to go out to recess on time, we must...
Sit quietly, follow directions quickly, finish all work for that day
What does the F in WOLF Way stand for?
Follow directions quickly.
Ms. Arnold's job is to teach, so my job is to...
Learn and manage myself!
If I want to ask/or tell Ms. Arnold something in the hall I should...
Wait until we are back in the room and raise my hand once I'm in my seat.
If I notice a mess in the bathroom I should..
Tell Ms. Arnold
When it is time to come back in from recess we...
Line up quickly and quietly, and then make sure our things are packed to go home.