Where does my backpack go?
Inside my cubby
How do I get to the carpet?
Walking and quietly
How do I go to recess?
Where do my school materials go?
Inside my desk
How do I enter the classroom after recess?
Quietly and walking
How do I sit at the carpet?
Criss cross and quietly
What do I do when I hear the bell?
Where do I find materials if I'm missing something?
The blue bin
How do I grab my chrome book?
Walking with two hands
When I want to share, how do I?
Raise my hand
What do I do when I hear the whistle?
Walk to line
How do I put away the headphones?
Wrap them up
How do I ask to drink water?
"r" sign on finger
How do listen to my friends share?
Quietly, facing them.
What do I do when a friend is making a bad decision?
Tell an adult
Where do I put my pencil if its broken?
At the teacher's desk