How do we walk down the hallways?
What is walking feet
How many times does the Teacher need to ask you to do something?
What is first time asked
Are high fives, fist bumps, or elbow bumps okay to give to your friend?
What is Yes
How many students are in the bathroom at one time?
What is 1 student?
Are you allowed to carry the computer?
What is NO
Are your voices on or off when walking down the hallway?
What is voices are off
You need to ask the Teacher a question what do you do?
What is raise your hand
A friend has a toy you would like to play with what do you need to do?
What is Ask them nicely if you can play with the toy
What do you need to do after you use the restroom?
What is flush the toilet and wash your hands
How many books can we check out in Library?
What is 2 books
Do you need to walk in a straight line down the hallway?
What is yes
Are you allowed to leave your seat whenever you want?
What is No, you need to have permission
Are you allowed to rough house outside on the playground?
What is No, hands stay to self
What do you need to use when washing your hands?
What is soap and water
Are you allowed to talk when the Teacher is talking
What is No
If you are talking in the hallway after a warning, what is going to happen?
What is you will lose points?
You are upset, where can you go?
What is the calming room or calming desk
A friend is calling you names, what do you need to do?
What is you tell the Teacher
There is a mess in the restroom when you go in, who do you need to tell?
Who is the Teacher or the Para
If you want to switch websites on the computer, what do you need to do?
What is Raise your hand and ask for permission