Rules & Procedures 1
Rules & Procedures 2
Rules & Procedures 3
Rules & Procedures 4
Rules and Procedures 5

Where should you look to get information you need for the day? Morning work, homework, the daily schedule, and the date.

The board when you walk in to class


You are allowed to have drinks in class but it must be in a bottle with a lid and be only this liquid.

What is clear water.


Where does my classwork go in when Ms. Contreras wants it collected?

in the bin.


In the case of a fire drill, where should we exit to?

What is the field.


This is the voice level in morning when you first enter the classroom.

What is 1, whisper level.


You should do this and get permission before speaking or leaving your seat.

raise your hand.


Should I bring stuffies to third grade?

Only when I need them but should be placed away to not distract me. 


How many minutes should I be on the calm corner?


If I have lost or forgotten my homework, what can I do?

What is talk to Ms. Contreras, she will let us make up the work.


When I have certain emotions, what can I do instead of crying?

talk to Ms. Contreras 


In what bin does notes, and homework from home go in every morning?

In the bin by the door.


How should I walk when I am out in the hallway?

What is 

-Look forward

-Hands at my side



When is an appropriate time to ask to go to the restroom?

What is during group work, or individual work.  Not while Ms. Contreras is teaching.  


What should I do with any trash on or around my table?

What is throw it in the trashcan.


How many students on the calm corner?



When packing up at the end of the day what things do I need to make sure are in my backpack?

Lunch bag, water bottle, computer


This is why we do not talk in the hallways.

What is we do not want to disturb other classes that are learning.


How many people are allowed in the reading area at a time?

Only those that fit, maybe 4 on the couch and 3 on the rug, two on the bench (not all the students) 


Does Ms. Contreras grade things with no name on it?

What is no, however she will let us make up the work and then grade it.  


This is the voice level during any Emergency procedure like Fire Drills and Lock Downs.

What is 0, no talking.


How many different ways can Ms. Contreras get our attention?

clap, and one, two, 


These are the two things that should be on every paper you turn in to the teacher.

What is name and date.


How should I be sitting while on the rug?

What is criss cross, quitly, listening 


How should I be while on the lunch benches?

seating down eating 


Trick question!

What was Ms. Contreras' favorite hobby?

What is camping