How does one start a session?
By calling the room to order/ Setting the Agenda
what is decorum? When is it relevant?
Decorum is the bring the committee to order where you have full attention and authority in the room. This is relevant any time the committee is in session and one should not begin a session until decorum is reached.
With what should an operative clause end?
semi colon
At an MUN conference, (blank) is what you say when you want to ask a chairperson if a rule of procedure is being violated
Point of Inqury
Who is the President of the United States
Donald J. Trump
If the vote for something ends up in a tie what do you do?
Either re-vote or you can entertain a motion to divide the house
what's the difference between present and present & voting ?
Present = you can abstain in a vote Present and Voting = you can not abstain in a vote
In Model UN, what do you call it when you correct a Chair or delegate's error in parliamentary procedure?
point of order
what does a right to reply constitute?
give the offended delegate a chance to explain their position
How many colors are there in a rainbow?
If a topic is exhausted and time is overdue, what action would you take?
table the topic, etc.
how long does one spend on each debate topic?
However long the chairs deems fit/appropriate. You are in-charge.
How many members are on the UN Security Council at one time?
Who is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations?
Antonio Guterres
The Dewey Decimal system is used to categorize what?
Whats the difference between a working paper and a draft resolution?
A working paper contains the ideas that are going into the resolution and the order in which the committee wants them while a draft resolution is the neater version of this with the correct format and language
Who are the five permanent members of the UN Security Council?
China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States
What is the first thing you motion for in a Model UN session? And How do you do it?
set the agenda
What year of GUQ MUN will this be?
The 12th year
Whose statue in Red Square was pulled down in 1991?
Name any three motions, and explain them fully (how they're raised, what they mean, and what they do)
1) Motion Precedence When there are several motions on the floor, the motion that takes precedence is the one that should be first entertained. Motion for an unmoderated caucus takes precedence over a motion for a moderated caucus. If there are two motions for a caucus of the same time length, the one for the longest time or the longest speaker’s time takes precedence. In general, motions that serve to further the debate take precedence, and are to be entertained at the discretion of the chair. The Chair can overrule, however. 2) Motion for a Moderated Caucus 3) Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus 4) Motion to Extend Debate This motion can refer to extending a moderated caucus, an unmoderated caucus, or time in open debate for a resolution. 5) Motion to Move Into Time Against, Time in Open Debate, OR Voting Procedure When debating a resolution in time for and no one is willing to speak for, delegates can motion to move into time against. When debating a resolution in time against and no one is willing to speak against, delegates can motion to move into time for open debate, or they can motion to move into voting procedure.When debating a resolution in open debate and no one is willing to speak, delegates can motion to move into voting procedure.These motions hold for debating individual clauses of a working paper, the draft resolution, or amendments. 6) Motion to Close Debate When debating in a caucus, where the topic is exhausted before due time, delegates can motion to close debate. 7) Motion to Table a Topic Delegates are allowed to table a topic and return to it later. By tabling a topic, delegates put it on hold, move on to another topic, and may later come back to it. This motion is used in cases such as a crisis, where delegates must deal with the crisis immediately rather than the topic at hand. 8) Motion to Reintroduce a Topic After a crisis has been dealt with, delegates can motion to reintroduce the previously debated topic. 9) Motion to Introduce a Resolution Once a working paper fulfills all the requirements listed in section 4, article XIX, the main submitter must motion to introduce a resolution. Once this happens, debate time for the resolution begins. 10) Motion to Adjourn the Meeting If debate has been exhausted, delegates may motion to adjourn the meeting.
What does a preambulatory clause in a resolution state?
states or acknowledges problems
which motion takes the precedence over all other motions?
Motion for an unmoderated caucus
What does it mean to Yield and how does it work? Can the Chair deny this?
Yield is when the delegate at the podium passes the speaking rights to another delegate, this can only be done once. Yes the chair can deny it if they wish.
How many sides does a dodecagon (shape) have?