How many hours a week do you have to be in class?
35 hours
True or False
You can loan your peer money as long as they pay you back.
False. No loaning, gifting, or trading is allowed
How many meetings peer week do you have to go to?
During your first week you can take care of whatever outside needs you have?
When is it appropriate to go into another peers room?
What do you do with the classroom packets?
Give them to your advocate
What is co-isolation?
When you isolate with a person and have little peer interaction with others. Example: Always smoke together, always sit with each other, always eat with each other-Clique
You are not required to do homework while at ERC. True or False?
False-you must complete homework by your advocate weekly
When you can go to the Hope Van
After 2 weeks-unless medical emergency
When can you meet up with other peers or alumni?
After you both graduate
What are you allowed to work on while your in class?
Only the classwork related to the class going on
You can begin a romantic relationship while at ERC, as long as it does not become physical.
No Bueno
When can you go to the dentist?
After 3 weeks unless and emergency
What does principles before personalities mean?
practice honesty, humility, compassion, tolerance, and patience with everyone, whether you like them or not.
True or False.
You can get up and leave the class whenever you want.
True. But there are consequences. ***BONUS POINTS TO WHOEVER CAN STATE CONSEQUENCES**
Helping a new resident learn the rules is good way of what?
Being of service
What is the consequence for layins during the week?
Must be made up on weekends.
If you have to the store, just ask Pauly? True or False
False-Must be cleared by Bettee and Advocate. Must have valid reason
What is the proper dress code?
Shoes, no spaghetti straps, no see-through, no booty shorts, no inappropriate logos, clean, good hygiene.
It is ok to interrupt class if you have something you think is important to say
False. Raise your hand, always be respectful, and keep your comments on topic
If you have difficulty with your chore, who do you go to?
Your peer counsel
Drug testing is optional. True or False.
False-A refusal to test is considered a positive
You are allowed to call home whenever you need to.
False-you are on blackout for the 30 days and cannot use the phone unless it is an emergency
How do you address a conflict in the house?
-Go to advocate