Morning Care
Afternoon care

What is Ms. Diana and Ms. Gigi's number one rule in morning care?

Stop running when teachers are present/trying to walk into the building.

How do you get from one place to another? Ex. throwing away trash from your seat

Walking feet


Why do we sanitize your hands?

Open answer

When is the appropriate time to ask for pencil, paper, crayon boxes, or play-doh?

During homework/quiet time

Who are your counselors? 

Ms. Aryn, Ms. Gigi, Ms. Diana 


Where do backpacks go when you are signed into morning care?

On the wall out of the way


How do you ask a question? What don't you do?

Raise your hand; you don't come on stage without being asked 

How do we determine if we are too close to one of our friends in the Champions program? Can you demonstrate please?

Our butterfly arm stretch rule.


Why is it important to be quiet during homework time?

So everyone has a chance to do homework and to be respectful


When is it appropriate to come on stage?

When the counselors call on you to do so


What is the color of the line that you are suppose to stay behind and why do we ask you to stay behind it?

Green; open answer

How do you receive your snack? What type of behavior should you be showing?

Sitting in your seat and wait patiently for a counselor to pass it out


At what time do we sanitize the cafeteria in the afternoon?

5:00pm or 5:30pm

When we play bingo and you win, how do you notify your counselors you won? What don't you do?

You say bingo, raise your hand and wait for the counselor to come check it. You don't run up to your counselor and shove the paper in her face.


Why was treasure box taken away? How can you earn it back?

Open answer: Because you don't follow the rules and you have been disrespectful to the counselors; can earn it back by being respectful and following the rules.


Who is the first child who usually gets to Champions first?

Lily or the Sabio kids


How does Ms. Aryn choose people to do sign out with her? What don't you do?

She chooses people to go outside. You don't run up to her and ask to go outside with her.


If you have a sibling in Champions, why do we separate you?

For your safety


What aren't you allowed to touch ever? 4 answers

Other people's belongings, computers, crayon boxes, and snack


How does our daily schedule go?

Attendance, sanitize/temps, snack, announcements, hw/quiet time, activities like movies or outdoor play


What are the names of the 3 counselors who do morning care?

Ms. Gigi, Ms. Diana, and Ms. Kim


What warning does Ms. Aryn give when she does sign out?

If the ball gets kicked into the parking lot, it gets taken away.


What is the proper way to clean the pencil boxes at the end of the day?

Spray the outside, wipe down, spray the inside, shake, then put it back on the shelves


What are some ways you can earn things from the treasure box?

Listen, be respectful, do things without being asked, follow the rules etc.


What 4 things do we always tell you guys everyday/ask you guys to stop asking us?

Wear a mask, social distance, don't ask what time it is, don't come on the stage unless asked