General Rules
Lights & Shapes
Sound Signals

This rule states "Every vessel SHALL at all times maintain a proper lookout"...

What is Rule 5?


You are traveling and see a vessel off your bow coming head on. You should...

What is sound 1 short and turn to starboard?

These are the colors and arcs of visibility for the masthead light, stern light, port and starboard running lights, anchor light for vessels over 12 meters.

What is White, 225 degrees; white, 135 degrees; red and green, 112.5 degrees; and white, 360 degrees.


This is the signal you would sound if you were departing from a pier/berth...

What is One Prolonged Blast?


The line of demarcation is...

What is an imaginary line that separates waters where inland and international rules apply?


This rule states "All vessels MUST proceed at a safe speed at all times"...

What is Rule 6?


You are overtaking another power-driven vessel in a channel. Are you the give way vessel, or the stand-on vessel?

What is give way?


This is the vessel classification, size and aspect for these lights: 2 white lights higher up, 1 green and 1 red light lower down.

What is a >50m power driven vessel with a bow aspect?


You are a vessel underway, making way in restricted visibility. You must...

What is sound one prolonged blast every 60 seconds?


These are the requirements for vessels that are anchored in restricted visibility regarding their bells, gongs and whistles..

*Vessels 12m<

Vessels 20m<

*Vessels 100 m<

What is:

12m<: Prolonged blast from the whistle every minute

20m<: Prolonged blast from the whistle, rapid ringing of the bell for five seconds every minute

100m<: Prolonged blast from the whistle, rapid ringing of the bell for five seconds, rapid sounding of the gong for five seconds every minute. 


Rule 7 says this inidicate a risk of collision... 

*hint: four words

Constant Bearing, Decreasing Range


You are in risk of collision with a vessel off your port beam. You see their starboard side. You are the...

What is stand-on vessel?


The light for an inconspicuous, partly submerged vessel or object being towed is.... 

*color, arc of visibility, distance visible*

What is a white all-around light and 3 miles?


This INLAND signal is "I intend to leave you on my starboard side".

What is two short blasts?


List at least 5 different distress signals...

What is: 

-dye marker in the water

-code flags: November over Charlie

-Square flag over ball

-position indicating radio beacon

-radio telegraph alarm

-waving arms

-orange smoke float

-gun shots at 1 minute intervals

-continuous sounding fog horn

-SOS signal in morse code

-The word "MAYDAY"

-Flames on the vessel.

-Flares, rockets or shells throwing red stars.


When a vessel us unable to maneuver as required by the rules through som eexceptional circumstance, this means they are.....

What is Not Under Command?


You are in restricted visibility. You pick up another ship by radar off your stbd bow. If a risk of collision exists, which way should you turn?

What is starboard?


This is the vessel classification and aspect for these lights: Yellow over white higher up, with a green light further down.

What is a tug towing astern, stbd aspect?


This INTERNATIONAL signal of "2 prolonged blast and 1 short blast" while in a narrow channel means..

What is "I intend to overtake you on your starboard side"?


This is the distance at which you can see a masthead light.

What is 2 nautical miles?


This rule is only applicable in international waters...

What is Constrained by Draft?


You are making way and see: Red over White over Red, higher up, with red over red on the left side, red on the left side lower, green over green on the right side, green on the right side lower, and a white light midships lower. This indicates...

What is a vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations, when restricted in ability to maneuver, underway-making way. Pass on the starboard side. 


The special flashing light applies to inland rules only, and is....

*color, flashing interval, placement, distance visible, and arc of visibility*

What is a yellow flashing light, at 50-70 flashes per minute, mounted as far forward as possible, visible for 3 miles, and has an arc of visibility of at least 180 degrees - but no more than 225 degrees?


While anchored in restricted visibility, you may sound..

What is one short blast, one prolonged blast, and one short blast?


This is the hierarchy that all vessels abide by... 

What is Overtaken; Not Under Command (NUC); Restricted Ability to Maneuver (RAM); Constrained by Draft (CBD); Fishing Vessel; Sailing Vessel; Power-Driven Vessel; Seaplane; Overtaking.

Remember: Only New Reels Catch Fish, So Purchase Some Often!