What encore class do we have on Thursday?
What is art?
What time does lunch begin and end?
What is 12:10-12:40pm?
What is Ms. Bond's rule about getting out of your seat?
What is raise your hand before getting out of your seat?
What is the name of the phonics program that grades 4-6 use daily?
What is 95%?
Who is the Eagles quarterback?
Who is Jalen Hurts?
What encore class do we have on Tuesday?
What is library?
What time is recess?
What is 1:25-1:45pm?
What type of line should we display when we exit the classroom?
What is a 3s line? (single, straight and silent)
What is the answer of a multiplication problem called?
What is the product?
Name Ms. Bond's three sons.
Who is Deshaun, Damieus, and Dorian?
What encore class do we have on Monday?
What is music?
What time does the science/social studies begin?
What is 3:15-4:00pm?
What should you do if someone walks in the classroom and talks to Ms. Bond?
What is sit quietly in our seat and wait until Ms. Bond is finish?
What is the number INSIDE a division problem called?
What is the dividend?
Find the product of 44 and 22.
What is 968?
What encore class do we have on Wednesday?
What is PE/gym?
What time does the second part of math begins?
What is 12:40-1:25pm?
What should you do when entering the classroom while you are waiting for Ms. Bond to begin with instruction?
What is make sure all my materials are out and that I have a sharpen pencil?
What kind of noun names a specific person, place, or thing?
What is a proper noun?
Find the quotient of 3 divided by 968.
What is 322 r 2?
Sometimes we have "double encore", how long does it last?
What is an hour and thirty minutes or 90 minutes?
What time does the first part of math begins?
What is 11:25-12:10pm?
What is the district rule about cellphones during school hours?
What is students can bring them to school but during instructional hours they must be powered off in their backpacks.
What are the paragraphs in a poem called?
What is a stanza?
Name the four house systems and colors associated with each house.
What is the house of web-blue, house of iron-red, house of captains- yellow, and house of wakanda-black.