Can you wear pajamas to school?
No, pajamas are against school dress code.
If you have an answer, question, or comment about what we are doing in class what should you do?
Raise your hand
Should we talk during a fire drill? Why or Why Not?
No! Talking during a fire drill can be dangerous. We could have to reroute and if you are talking during a fire drill you may not hear that information.
How does Mrs. Kesecker expect you to come to class?
Mrs. Kesecker expects you to come to class ready to learn.
What writing utensil should you never use in math class?
You should never use a pen in math.
What happens if you damage your Chromebook?
The students will have OSS and they may have their Chromebook privileges revoked (taken away).
If you need a pencil what should you do?
Get up and grab one from the front cart or side cabinet. DO NOT INTERUPT CLASS!
Where do we go if a fire drill is called?
We line up in a single file line, go out Mr. Sandy's classroom door to the edge of the hill. We turn around facing the building and remain quiet until we are given instructions to go back in side.
How does Mrs. Kesecker expect you to treat one another?
With respect and kindness
If you are absent, how many days do you have to make up any work you missed?
You have one day per day absent to make up any missing assignment(s).
What must you do to leave the classroom? (restroom, nurse, water fountain, library, etc.)
You must raise your hand ask your teacher and put in an eHallpass.
If Mrs. Kesecker is busy helping another student what should you do?
Ask your partners for help... You have three people you can ask for help!
What is a code red?
A code red is when someone is the school who should not be.
What does Mrs. Kesecker expect you to do as soon as you enter the classroom?
Sit down in your seat quietly and work on the bell ringer.
When is it appropriate to tell Mrs. Kesecker about your weekend or anything not related to what we are working on in math?
zero period, before class, after class, and at the end of the day. Class time is very important and we can not waste our instructional time not doing work.
What are the three/ four items you should not have in class?
1. Cell Phones
2. Smart Watches
3. Headphones
4. Water bottle (unless you have a doctors note stating otherwise)
What happens if Mrs. Kesecker catches you cheating?
Automatic zero
Call home
If a code red is called what do we do?
We go to the back of the classroom, cram together, and remain quiet.
What does Mrs. Kesecker expect you to do if you do not understand the assignment?
Ask for help! Ask questions!
How can you get in contact with Mrs. Kesecker?
Through Schoology or you can email her at
WSMS students show their WOLVES P.R.I.D.E. by demonstrating what?
· Positivity
· Respect
· Integrity
· Discipline
· Empowerment
What is the biggest rule in the classroom?
Treat everyone with respect
Why is it important to remain quiet during a code red?
If you talk during a code red you are potentially putting everyone at risk. It will allow the intruder to know we are actually in the classroom.
What does Mrs. Kesecker expect all students to accept for themselves and their actions?
What is your first grade and how many points is it worth?
Your first grade is your syllabus and it is worth 25 points