It's the second week of school and Renee has been practicing her morning procedures for over a week. She's been studying her notes but she forgot what she should do soon as she gets to school. Can you help her out? What should Renee do as soon as she gets to school?
Stop to the cafeteria and get breakfast
Ms. Wood is walking her class to connect. She remind students they should walk to the __________, their hands should be in their _______ or to their ___________ and they are always on voice___________.
right, pockets, side, level zero
Sammy has to use the restroom but he noticed their 6 boys inside the bathroom playing. Sammy joins them and Mr. Swain catches them playing and reports them to Ms. Wood. Now they all have loss privilegages and have to make a phone call home. Can you tell me two things that was wrong BEFORE sammy joined them? What should sammy have done?
6 boys, only 4
Sammy should have left the bathroom and reported it to a teacher)
Sofie and Ruba are sitting beside each other playing and talking as Ms. Wood is teaching and showing notes. 10 minutes later Ms. Wood passes out a pop quiz but these two do not know anything because they were not paying attention? Why is it important to not talk in class?
It's important to not talk in class because its rude, and you miss important information.
There is a sub for Ms. Wood on Friday. Students are giving their assignments but instead they all talked, played and did no work. Do you think Ms. Wood will be happy once she gets this report?
No, students know the rules and procedures
Thomas is sitting to his group unpacked, his breakfast is getting cold, and he is talking with his friends. What is Thomas doing wrong and what should he do?
Thomas is
Unpacked, not eating his breakfast and talking.
Thomas should
unpack his book bag, eating his breakfast then read a book on level zero with three sharpened pencils
Hannah is in line and her class is walking through first grade hall and there is some pretty art work on the way. Hannah is fascinated with it and decided to touch the picture. The picture falls and the decorations fall of it. If Hannah had followed her hallway procedures, this wouldn't has happened. What procedure did Hannah not follow in the hall?
Keeping her hands to her sides or in her pockets
Harmony is in the bathroom. She notices some mean writting on the walls. She sees a pencil on the ground and she is trying to decide if she should write on the walls too...She ends up using the bathroom, washing her hands, and throws away her paper towel. Did she do the right thing? What should she do now that she has seen the writting?
Report it
It's time to pack up but Isaiah decides to play and take his time doing whatever he likes. His bus is called early and all of his school items are not ready to go. His bus mates have left for the bus because they are ready. Isaiah misses the bus and his parents are really upset. Why do you think this happened?
Isaiah did not follow the instructions which caused him to miss his bus and make his parents upset.
The sub has told students what to do, Abel decides he wants to act up. The sub has put his name on the behavior board. Ms. Wood returns to school and see's Abel's name on the board. Do you think he will have consequences?
Ms. Wood is teaching and Sydney gets up in the middle of class to sharpen her pencil. What morning procedure did Sydney not do which caused the interruption during class?
Having 3 sharpened pencils
We are on the wall ready to switch and Yahmari's best friend comes by and say's "wassup" and tries to give him a high five. What should Yahmari do?
Ignore him
Ms. Wood decided to take her class to the bathroom before lunch, what is one thing they should bring with them?
Water Bottle
Kelly is taking a quiz but she forgot the answer to number 5 so she looks at Destiny's paper for the answer. Ms. Wood graded papers and both Kelly and Destiny got number 5 wrong? Why do you think this happened? Could this been prevented? How
This happened because Kelly cheated, if Kelly would have studied and kept her eyes on her paper she would have passed her quiz.
This could have been prevented if Kelly studied hard and kept her eyes on her own paper.
When a substitute comes, students treat her politely, they follow the rules, they do their work, they turn it in and they are on level zero. Do you think Ms. Wood will be happy when she return? Do you think students deserve to be rewarded?
Morning Meeting
Rico is running down the halls and their is a leak coming from the boys bathroom, as he runs he do not see the wet floor sign because he is running full speed and slips! What could have prevented this from happening?
Rico shouldn't have been running in the hallway, he is supposed to walk. Maybe he would have saw the sign.
Its the middle of class and students are learning. Ms. Jones has already took students to the restroom and Johnathan raises his hand to go to the restroom. Is Johnathan allowed to go?
No, Johnathan cannot leave class, he may only go if its an emergency.
James has finished his work so he logs on What is James doing wrong?
He is on something he is not supposed to be on
A sustitute is in Ms. Wood's room for the day. Students are loud, not following directions, and out of their seats. The principal is coming around to add classes to her list for a fun friday party. The class with the best behavior wins. Do you think this class deserves the party? Why not? Why do you think its important to follow the rules?
No, this class does not deserve the party because they are not following the rules.
It important to follow rules because it creates structure and you may be rewarded at anytime for it. So always be on your best behavior, you never know who is watching. :)
Kaleb has decided to follow all of his morning procedures correctly and in the right order. Can you tell me what the morning procedures are soon as he gets to school?
-Get Breakfast -Sharpen 3 Pencils
-Unpack -Grab a book
-Eat Breakfast -Read on level zero
-Throw away trash
Ms. Lily class is walking the halls going back to class, they walk past Ms. Jacocks room extremely loud, and Ms. Jacocks class is taking a test. Ms. Jacocks class get their scores back and everyone has failed the test! All the students claim they were distracted by the noise in the hall. Why do you think this happened? What caused this to happen?
Students failed the test because they were distracted by all the noise in the hallway.
This happened because Ms. Lily's class did not follow hallway procedures and expectations
Try anyway
Tiffany has left her cellphone inside the desk, when she went back to go find it she did not see it. Where should have Tiffany's phone been?
In her bookbag
Sally is not sitting in her seat, she decides to sit by Ellie instead. Ellie and Sally has a fight and now they are both suspended. How could this been avoided?
If sally would have sat in her correct seat, they would not have had a fight.