Our class is a...
I will actively participate...
in my education
When I need to use the bathroom, I use ____ fingers
During WIN time, I am ___
Mrs. Davila's favorite color is...
We promise to use...
Kind words and actions
I will follow directions
When I enter the classroom, I am ____
When I line up, I ___
clear my desk and push in my chair
Mrs. Davila's favorite food is...
We promise to help...
When someone else is talking...
I am not
If I need a pencil, I use ____ finger
When I go in the hall by myself, I...
am quiet and quick
Mrs. Davila's favorite thing to do is...
We promise to be...
good listeners
I can cooperate and collaborate...
with my classmates
In the morning, I put my folder in my ___ and my homework in the ___
Mailbox; homework bin
If I choose not to listen, I...
Choose not to learn
Mrs. Davila's birthday is...
July 2
We promise to treat...
others with love
I will show respect to my...
teacher, classmates, and myself
When I walk in the hall, my hands are to ___ and my voice is ___.
myself; off
If I have a question and Mrs. Davila is at the back table...
I ask three friends first
Mrs. Davila's puppy's name is...