What should you do if you have a question or need to say something?
Raise your hand quietly and wait to be called on
What can you do if someone is bothering you?
Ask them to stop, Walk away, Ignore, Tell a teacher
What should you do if you don't understand something?
Ask for help: Ask a friend or a teacher
Where can you find a pencil?
The bucket on my desk
What does independent work mean?
Working quietly on your own without help from others.
What can you do if someone is being distracting?
Ask them to get on task, Move away, Tell the teacher
Why is it important to take your time when doing your work?
To make sure you do it properly and answer the question
What should you do if you borrow something? (Scissors, glue, ruler, etc.)
Where can you find something if you were away?
The grey extra bin at the front table
How can you show respect to others in the class?
Listen to others when they are talking, Keep your hands off, Use kind words, Follow the classroom rules
How can you show you are paying attention during a lesson?
Not talking, Eyes forward, Nothing in your hands
What should you do with any worksheets I give you?
Put them in the CORRECT duotang
What is the first thing you should do when entering the classroom?
Hang up your stuff NEATLY, and start your morning work/silent reading
How can you show good sportsmanship?
Take turns, Be encouraging, Celebrate others success
How do I know that you are on task?
Quiet, Doing your work, Sitting at your desk
How should you take care of class materials?
With respect. They are not yours. Use them properly
What can you do if you finish your work early?
Complete unfinished work, Read/write/draw, Clean your desk
What can you do if you hurt someone (hurt their feelings/ have hands on)?
Apologize, Explain what happened, Give them space, Ask for help
What is a growth mindset?
Believing you can get better with practice and effort. Saying "not yet" instead of "I can't"
What should you do before leaving the classroom?
Make sure your desk is neat, and al materials are put away PROPERLY