Entering & Leaving Class
Absences/Late Work

What should you have on when you enter the class?

Your student i.d. or temporary i.d. This should be around your neck or the temporary i.d. should be clearly displayed on your person. 

What is my late work policy?
You have up to 2 weeks to turn work in late with a 15% deduction. During this 2 week time, you will see a Z in the grade book. After 2 weeks, you will receive a permanent 0 in the grade book and the work will no longer be accepted. *assignment tracker is updated on Google Classroom* 

What is my cell phone policy?

It needs to be put up and on silent. If I see it out, then you get a warning. If I see it again, then I will take it and put it up in the holder. If you will not give it to me, then I will call the office and a principal will be sent up to take you to the office. 


When should you sign up for teacher-guided study?

1.) If you were absent and need more help getting caught up 2.) if you need help on an assignment or have questions you need Mrs. Brink to answer 3.) if you have a D or F in my class 


How long do you have to get your materials out and be in your seat before you are counted tardy?

You have the 5-minute passing window + 1 extra minute that Mrs. Brink gives you after the bell rings. 


Where should you go if you were absent from class and need to know what you missed?

Look at the Daily Agenda slideshow on Google Classroom. Find the date(s) you missed and it will detail everything we did in class including the lesson slideshow. It will also tell you where to find the assignments you missed and how to make them up. If you still have questions, ask a classmate or sign up for TGS. 


What do you need to do if you do not have a Chromebook to use?

You need to check one out at the library and it must be returned by the end of the day. 


How do you sign up for TGS or how do you check if you were assigned TGS?

You go to point.fayar.net and sign in using school login information. You can sign up and check your assigned location on this website. 


What is my rule on tardies?

4= warning + parent contact, 5=lunch detention + parent contact, 6+=office referral


How much time do you have to make up an assignment if you were absent?

You have 1 day for every day you were absent. If you missed a Wednesday and return on a Friday, then your work is due the next class period. 


Where should you go if you are having tech issues with your Chromebook?

The tech office in Phase 4, 1st floor office. The office hours are 8:15-9:30, 12:00-1:15, 2:20-3:00.


What is the consequence if you do not attend TGS?

You will be assigned Saturday School. You must communicate with Mrs. Brink if you cannot attend an assigned TGS. The only way to be removed from Saturday school is by signing up for another TGS and making that time up. 


How many times do you get the chance to use the restroom in my class per quarter and what is the procedure for leaving class to use the restroom? 

You get 4 chances to use the restroom each quarter (you have the opportunity to get more if you earn a RISE reward). To go to the restroom, you must 1.) ask Mrs. Brink, 2.) have your i.d. card 3.) leave restroom pass with Mrs. Brink to get signed 4.) take new green hall pass 5.) sign out on signout sheet *You must return hallway pass


What is Mrs. Brink's policy on skipping class?

If she sees that you are absent, but were not marked as checked out or school business, then she will contact your parents to see if you were actually absent or just skipping class. If you were skipping, then that will be an office referral. 


What will you have to do if you lose your Chromebook charger?

You will need to purchase a charger. Replacement chargers are $30 for the freshman computers (Gen4-flat charger). They are $5 for a round charger.


When should you arrive to TGS and what should you bring?

You must arrive at TGS by 1:25. Failure to do so will result in being counted absent, which leads to Saturday School. You need to bring all the items with you (especially Chromebook) because you will be in my class until the bell rings for 8th hour. 


What is the procedure for leaving class to go to another location?

Most of the time you are not allowed to leave class unless it is for the nurse, office, counselor, or library. To leave, you must 1.) ask Mrs. Brink 2.) have your i.d. 3.) get a written pass to location 4.) leave an item with name on it 5.) get green hallway pass 6.) sign out on signout sheet *You must return hallway pass and signed written pass 


What will Mrs. Brink do if you consistently forget to bring your Chromebook to class?

She will contact your parents and you will face consequences determined by Mrs. Brink and your parents. 


Where am I located during TGS?

Phase III, 3rd floor commons area