fill in the blank
The first thing that you do upon entering to the classroom is_________.
What is to greet/to acknowledge your teacher/ Saludar a la profesora.
You should use this ______ before the class starts.
What is the bathroom/el ba~o
Hablar is _____ in English.
What is to talk.
You don't _______ in classroom.
what is yell or scream in classroom.
Can I go to the bathroom?
What is: Puedo ir al baƱo?
Upon getting situated at your desk what do you do?
What is to start working on your warm up. Tu calentamiento.
Do not _______ while your teacher is talking/teaching.
What is to talk/hablar.
Bailar is _______ in English.
What is to dance.
You never throw________ in class.
What is throw objects.
You are very smart!
Eres muy inteligente.
Always, write your _______ on assignments or quizzes.
What is to write your name/escribir el nombre en tus trabajos.
Raise your ________ and be acknowledge before speaking.
What is your hand/ la mano.
to be (both) in Spanish is _________ and _________.
what is Ser and Estar
You never _____ around during class.
What is to run/correr
Where are you?
what is: Donde estas?
Do not get out of your______ without permission.
What is your seat/tu pupitre.
Be ready to ________.
What is learn/aprender.
Escuchar is _______ in English.
What is to listen
You never take a ______ during class.
What is take a nap/tomar una siesta.
What time is it?
What is: Que hora es?
Use a ______ to complete your quizzes.
What is a pen/ Usar boligrafo o pluma.
Bring your best_______ to class.
What is attitude/una buena actitud!
Cantar is _______ in English.
What is to sing
You should never put your ______ on other students.
What is hands/manos. Do not touch other students! No tocar otros estudiantes.
It's Tuesday, January 7th 2020.
What is: es martes, 7 de enero del 2020.