Entering the Classroom
Student Materials & Supplies
Homework & Classwork
Classroom Behavior
Outside the Classroom
What do you do when you first enter the classroom?
Go immediately to your seat and take out your homework. Wait until Ms. Zorn tells you, then go hang up your belongings quickly and quietly.
What do I do if I need a pencil?
Take a pencil from your table basket. If there are no pencils, I can ask Ms. Zorn, however, I know that I will loose points for being unprepared.
How often will I have homework
I will have homework 4-5 times per week
How do I keep track of my own behavior?
I can look at the clip chart and track my behavior
How do we walk in the hallway?
We WALK in one line, in our line spots, quietly and to the right of the hallway.
What do I do while I wait for Ms. Zorn to give directions?
Immediately begin whatever assignment is at your seat or on the board. Ms. Zorn will pull a small group as soon as the class is settled.
Where are my notebooks and textbooks?
Notebooks are in the crates by the window. Textbooks will remain at the tables, in organized piles.
How much homework will I have?
Expect 3-4 pages per night - Reading, Math and Science or Social Studies
What kind of things can I "get" for doing the right thing in class?
You can pick from the treasure chest on Fridays and you will earn PBIS points for monthly and weekly rewards.
What should we do in the lunchroom?
Go to our table and wait for the NTA to give up directions. Eat quietly and respectfully, while staying SEATED at all times. I will NOT run around and act like a fool at lunchtime.
How many times are you allowed to go to the closets?
Twice - once in the morning and once at lunch. There is NO opening of closet doors at any other time.
Where does homework go? Who puts in there?
Your homework will be collected and placed in the basket. A student will be selected to separate homework and organize it for Ms. Zorn.
What kind of classwork will we have? How will Ms. Zorn know I did my work?
Classwork is considered NOTES, PRACTICE PROBLEMS, and CENTER WORK. Notebooks will be checked daily for completion.
What can we earn as a class? How will we know when it is earned?
If we fill up the marble jar, Ms. Zorn will arrange a big class reward.
What is acceptable bathroom behavior?
Go in, do my business and get out. I will NOT play, clog the toilets, hang out with my friends or run around the building.
What do I do if I come in late?
Quietly enter the room and go to my seat. I will not go to the closet. I will get out whatever materials I need for class and immediately get to work.
Where can I find extra paper or art supplies? When can I access them?
All student supplies are in the drawers at the front of the room. I can only access them when there is an activity that requires these things, or with permission.
What happens if I do not do my classwork
I will loose PBIS points, my grade will be lowered, and if it continues, I will have a phone call home :-(
What happens if I misbehave?
If I misbehave I will have my clip moved down, which will also have a point loss. If I am on red, I will loose my lunch/recess. If misbehavior continues my parent will be called and everyone will be sad :-(
What are the rules in my elective class (music, gym, art)?
Same rules as Ms. Zorn's class, as well as any additional rules that teacher has. You may not be disrespectful simply because Ms. Zorn is not there!!!
How do the closets work?
There is a boys closet and a girls closet. I will take out EVERYTHING I need and then hang up my stuff. Closet doors will be closed at 9:00am and I will not be allowed go back until 12:45.
What is the bathroom policy
I may go to the bathroom ONCE in the morning, and NEVER during direct instruction. I will loose my bathroom privileges if I run the halls or misbehave.
What happens if I do not do my homework?
My grade will be lowered and I will loose my lunch time or my elective class to make up the missed work.
If the class gets noisy, how will Ms. Zorn get our attention?
Ms. Zorn will ask for us to clap once if we can hear her voice, clap twice for silence and then we will sit in code five.
What are the school dismissal policies?
You will sit in your assigned area in the auditorium and wait for the doors to open. If I walk home, I will say goodbye to Ms. Zorn. If I get picked up, I will STAY SEATED until I see my adult.