What genre is this book?
Fairy Tale
What is the setting?
A Castle.
Who are the main characters?
The Miller's daughter/ Queen, Rumpelstiltskin
What did the Miller lie about at the beginning of the story?
He lied that his daughter could spin straw into gold to impress the King.
Where did the King take the daughter at the beginning of the story?
The castle.
Why did the Miller's daughter cry when she was first locked in the room with the straw?
She did not know how to spin straw into gold.
What was the first gift the Miller's daughter gave the gnome?
Her necklace.
What was the second gift the Miller's daughter gave the gnome?
Her bracelet.
How did the King feel about the gold that filled the room?
Excited/ happy
What did the King say he would give the Miller's daughter if she could spin the biggest room of straw into gold?
She could marry the King.
What was the final thing the Miller's daughter gave to the gnome?
Her first born child.
Did the Miller's daughter think she would become the queen?
Did the Queen and King have a daughter or son?
How many days did the Queen have to guess the gnomes name?
3 days.
Who went to the forest to find out the gnome's name?
The messenger.