True or False
Correct or Wrong
Fix It Yourself
Multiple Choice
You can tell if a sentence is a run-on sentence by it's length.
False, a run-on sentence is a structural flaw.
I like apples, I eat them all the time.
Wrong. I like apples. I eat them all the time. OR I like apples, so I eat them all the time. (or with a ;)
My dog loves to eat, he steals my snacks all the time.
My dog loves to eat. He steals my snacks all the time. My dog loves to eat; he steals my snacks all the time. My dog loves to eat, so he steals my snacks all the time. Because my dog loves to eat, he steals my snacks all the time.
Which of the following is a correctly punctuated sentence? A. My sister and I went to the store and we also went to the park. B. Mr. Hubble decided he wanted to eat donuts for breakfast, but he knew that was unhealthy. C. Sam rode his motorcycle to school; for the morning was beautiful. D. Mr. Arnott's door is good, Mrs. Trusler's door is better.
B. Mr. Hubble decided he wanted to eat donuts for breakfast, but he knew that was unhealthy.
What is a run-on sentence?
A run-on sentence has at least two parts, either one of which can stand by itself, but the two parts have been smooshed together instead of being properly connect.
A run on sentence has at least two parts, usually two independent clauses.
The sun is high, put on some sunblock.
Wrong. The sun is high, so put on some sunblock. OR Because the sun is high, put on some sunblock. (or the other two ways)
My sister can be very annoying, she always steals my things.
My sister can be very annoying because she always steals my things. My sister can be very annoying, for she always steals my things. My sister can be very annoying; she always steals my things. My sister can be very annoying. She always steals my things.
Watching a master chef cook is really impressive however I can never seem to replicate what the cook does. Which shows the best way to correct the run-on sentence? A. Watching a master chef cook is really impressive; however I can never seem to replicate what the cook does. B. Watching a master chef cook is really impressive. However, I can never seem to replicate what the cook does. C. Watching a master chef cook is really impressive, however, I can never seem to replicate what the cook does. D. Watching a master chef cook is really impressive, however; I can never seem to replicate what the cook does.
B. Watching a master chef cook is really impressive. However, I can never seem to replicate what the cook does.
What is a comma splice?
Two independent clauses (complete sentences) joined only by a comma.
When you use a comma to connect two independent clauses, it must be accompanied by a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS).
This next chapter has a lot of difficult information in it, so you should start studying right away.
Correct. (There is a ,FANBOYS)
By 7:30, it was too late the show had already begun.
By 7:30, it was too late. The show had already begun. By 7:30, it was too late; the show had already begun. By 7:30, it was too late, for the show had already begun. By 7:30, it was too late since the show had already begun.
Apollo has sports teams for football, soccer, basketball, and volleyball, however, there is no baseball team. How should this run-on sentence be revised? A. Apollo has sports teams for football, soccer, basketball, and volleyball: however, there is no baseball team. B. Apollo has sports teams for football, soccer, basketball, and volleyball; however there is no baseball team. C. Apollo has sports teams for football, soccer, basketball, and volleyball, however. There is no baseball team. D. Apollo has sports teams for football, soccer, basketball, and volleyball; however, there is no baseball team.
D. Apollo has sports teams for football, soccer, basketball, and volleyball; however, there is no baseball team.
Correct this run-on sentence: After Ms. Lucas went to the doctor, she went to the pharmacy to get her medicine she found a snack she wanted.
After Ms. Lucas went to the doctor, she went to the pharmacy to get her medicine, and she found a snack she wanted. After Ms. Lucas went to the doctor, she went to the pharmacy to get her medicine; she found a snack she wanted. After Ms. Lucas went to the doctor, she went to the pharmacy to get her medicine. She found a snack she wanted.
When only a comma joins two independent clauses, it is called a comma splice.
True. (or a comma-cide)
This is not such an nice playground, still, the kids love it.
Wrong. This is not such an nice playground. Still, the kids love it. (or any of the other three ways)
The boy showed us his tickets someone gave them to him.
The boy showed us his tickets. Someone gave them to him. The boy showed us his tickets; someone gave them to him. The boy showed us his tickets, for someone gave them to him.
Can she recover the lost lap will she hang up her swimsuit for good? Choose the correct way to revise the run-on sentence. A. Can she recover the lost lap, or will she hang up her swimsuit for good? B. Can she recover the lost lap, but will she hang up her swimsuit for good? C. Can she recover the lost lap, yet will she hang up her swimsuit for good? D. Can she recover the lost lap, and will she hang up her swimsuit for good?
A. Can she recover the lost lap, or will she hang up her swimsuit for good? (Or is the only FANBOYS that makes sense connecting the two sentences)
Run-on or nah: Suzy wanted to dress like a doctor for career day because she loved science she didn't have any appropriate clothes.
Run-on. Independent clause 1: Suzy wanted to dress like a doctor for career day because she loved science. Independent clause 2: She didn't have any appropriate clothes.
Sometimes a run-on sentence is called a fused sentence.
True (two sentences are "fused" together)
Mr. Johnson has sent his four children to ivy-league colleges, however, he has sacrificed his health working day and night in that dusty bakery.
Wrong. Mr. Johnson has sent his four children to ivy-league colleges; however, he has sacrificed his health working day and night in that dusty bakery. (or with a .)
People already believed the precious metals to be divine so their use in money intensified its allure.
People already believed the precious metals to be divine, so their use in money intensified its allure. People already believed the precious metals to be divine; their use in money intensified its allure. (Can't have a FANBOYS after the ; ) People already believed the precious metals to be divine. Their use in money intensified its allure.
Spiders are not the only problem with camping outdoors the hard ground is another. What is the best way to correct this run-on sentence? A. Spiders are not the only problem with camping outdoors; for the hard ground is another. B. Spiders are not the only problem with camping outdoors. The hard ground is another. C. Spiders are not the only problem with camping outdoors, the hard ground is another. D. Spiders are not the only problem with camping outdoors, and the hard ground is another.
B. Spiders are not the only problem with camping outdoors. The hard ground is another.
CORRECT OR WRONG: Knowing that millions of people around the world would be watching in person and on television and expecting great things from him during his fourth and last appearance in the World Olympics, the renowned sprinter and track-and-field personality Carl Lewis, who had known pressure from fans and media before, made only a few appearances in races during the few months before the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia.
Correct. It just has a long introductory phrase and an interrupting phrase in the middle of the sentence.