Ethnic/Racial Identity
Health Beliefs/Diet
Health Care and Conflict

Russians say they are Russian, and they are proud of it. They also know they are American too because they live here and have adopted their culture as well.

What is Russian immigrants self identify?


Russians that settled in the East.

What is Russian Jews and non-Jewish Russians?


Russian, but because of negativity towards Russians in politics has began to lean more towards English. 

What is language spoken in Russian immigrant home?


When a family member is not well and, in the hospital, many friends and family want to come and support the person in large groups and continuously.  

What is large family support?


They are uncomfortable with American health care because they are not used to the caring, empathetic and personable relationships with one's provider.  

What is not being denied health care?


Russians have a hard time interacting or gaining trust because many people think they are spies for Russia. They feel like they are Russian immigrants in America because they live in this “bubble.” This bubble is how they are seen but it does not make them look weak.  

What is the range of interaction outside the Russian culture?


Russians that settled in the West.

What is Christian Russians?


When Russians speak Russian, they feel like outsiders, so some have decided to speak English more in order to fit in.  

What is language spoken to other cultures?


Lack of trust in American prescription medications and using home remedies instead of getting medical care. 

What is relying on holistic medication?


“Usually, immigrants coming into America influence American health in a positive way. This is not the case for Russians because health in Russia is not as important.” 

What is bad health influence to America?


Americans call Russians smart and they are. Russians push their kids to do well in school. Many like science, engineering or math.  


What is Russian immigrants appearance?


Orthodox Chrisitan Old Believers and non-orthodox Molokan Christians have not adapted well to American culture. Everyone else has but they did not adapt or accept it well.

What is Russian traditionalists?


Russians want to take care of their family members instead of someone else taking care of them. 

What is not wanting involvement with health care professionals towards end of life?


They are not used to the quality of service in the American health care compared to Russian health care. Russian health care is not as friendly. They do not try to build professional relationships with their patients. Instead patients quote, “confess to a doctor as if speaking with a priest.” This has caused Russians to feel uncomfortable in the American health care environment and that is why they would rather stay away from.  

What is mistaking empathy in therapy for sympathy or pity?


They may not be trusted as much as others because people see them as good-looking Russians who are spies working for the Russian intelligence. The way Russians are portrayed in movies is how Russians immigrants are seen in America.  

What is Russian immigrants being portrayed as Russians in movies?


Some groups of Russians have decided to be more traditional and have isolated themselves based on the way they dress; the language spoken, practices at home and religion. There is also unwanted isolation because they were not able to create the family/community like they had in Russia.

What is Russian immigrant association with other cultures?


It hasn’t been an easy transition into America with Americans treating them differently, so they have fallen back on their roots, their culture and not forgetting their language. They are proud Russians but also want to embrace the American culture because that is where they have made home for now.  

What is retaining the Russian language. 


Death and what happens before death is very important. The last moments and the last few words spoken from the individual are very special. They would also prefer to take care of the person before they die instead of having them in nursing home.  

What is the importance of the death process to Russian immigrants?


They eat food that would “hold you to earth” because they needed enough energy for the day and to work at their factory jobs. They believe that the wealthier you are the fattier food you would have because that means you work a lot. In order to work a lot, you need energy.  

What is a diet high in carbs, fats and sodium?


Russians not wanting to get medical care and feeling isolated and lost if they did.  

What is language barrier?


Mental health conditions, heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic lung disease and diabetes are not prioritized. 

What is reaction to others identity of them?


When they first got to America it was hard because they only got factory blue collar jobs. As time passed third generations started to get white collar jobs and become doctors, scientists etc. In quote, “1970, the median family income for Russian Americans was nearly three to four thousand dollars higher on average than the median family income among others.” They value education and learning. 

What is jobs for Russian immigrants?


They are more comfortable with people of their same culture, and the way Americans interact with others makes it feel like they want to know all your business. Russians keep to themselves and are close to families and friends not strangers or everyone they meet. They don’t open to health care professionals like other cultures.  

What is Russian immigrants interaction with health care professionals?


Soup, meat, bread and lots of vodka.

What is a traditional meal in a Russian immigrant home?


Teaching and showing them the difference in eating certain foods in moderation vs overload. I think the act of showing them and letting them see for themselves would be beneficial because they don’t understand the empathy given. Also, maybe being more professional will make them more comfortable. Get to know them slower than in a fast way.  

What is advocating for Russian immigrants in the medical field?