Social Organization
Psychological Characteristics
Folk Medicine
Biological Varations

Today, this is Russia’s largest religious denomination, representing more than half of the adherents

What is Russian Orthodoxy 


How is mental health treated in Russia?

"just talking", years of  "prison-like" hospitalization, and potent drugs 


“Good health is synonymous with the absence of pain.  The ‘silent’ diseases are ignored and untreated…”

What is diabetes and hypertension?


I am filled with presents, family, food, and drink. You might celebrate in Times Square, but I celebrate in the Red Square. What holiday am I?

New Year's 


I am more binding than a signed document, what am I?

A handshake


Excessive alcohol use is high and considered a national embarrassment. The percentage of Russian men who have alcohol abuse disorder is

What is 31% of Russian men?


Within Russian culture, this individual tends to have the greatest influence in regards to the family. They tend to make decisions on behalf of the family and sometimes consult with others in the family

What is the father 


Why do Russian Americans seek healthcare as a social exercise? 

health care providers = people with high-status


“This technique currently taught to Russian Nursing Students is believed to remove evil humors from the body.  This process is used to treat colds, flu, and respiratory disorders.”

What is cupping or bonki?


We work anywhere from 15-24 hours, are employed by the government, and earn about 4,000 rubles ($148) per month. What profession am I?



  Interpreters translate more than just words. What must they convey as well?

Paralanguage, nonverbal, and subtle meanings


Cardiovascular diseases alone account for 55% of the mortality rate and are the major causes of death in Russia. Besides diet and lifestyle, the other main risk factor for hypertension in Russia is

What is tobacco use?


The term ‘dusha’ in Russia refers to

What is a person's identity


Why does alcoholism have such a high prevalence in Russia?   

Mongolian Gene


“When someone is sick, it is expected they stay at home and rest.  This professional will make the house call…”

What is feldsher?


It takes minutes to learn, but years to master. In this royal court, the queen holds more power than the king. What game am I?



Once ____ and _______ have been established, Russian people are comfortable within a personal zone and will stand up close to that person when speaking or listening. 

Friendship and familiarity 


The WHO classifies Russia as a high-burden HIV nation, the other high-burden pathogen is

What is (MDR) TB?


In Russian culture, most have the universal belief in education for themselves and their children. Due to the living conditions in Russia, many immigrate to seek a better life for their family. What time orientation am I based on these beliefs?

What Future-Time Orientation


 Due to the way healthcare is in their culture, what behavior may you see from a Russian in an American Emergency room? 

Pushy and Excessive


“This therapy is used to treat angina, migraines, and poor circulation to the extremities”

What is Leech Therapy?


I provide you a working space, food, and drink. However, you must pay me money for every minute. Who am I?



Often expressed expectation of the nurse is that the nurse be friendly. How is this expectation demonstrated?

Open posture, a smile and low calm voice. 


1 in 4 Russian Americans from this Eastern European subculture are a carrier for genetically linked disorders, like Tay-Sachs 

What is Jewish?


Tens of thousands of women from Russia are trafficked yearly all over the world, notably to the United States. They are desperate to leave Russian due to poverty and unemployment. These women may be referred as

What are Mail-Order Brides


What is the historical event that resulted in millions of people being exposed to radiation fallout?

1986 Chernobyl Disaster


“Due to cultural beliefs and superstitions a nurse must be extremely sensitive and build long term trust before discussing this with a patient and their family..”

What is Death, end of life cares, hospice?


Like hockey, I am played on ice. Instead of a puck, I use a ball. What sport am I?



You are the nursing caring for a Russian patient that is 75 years old. She migrated from Russia five years ago. Any question you ask she answers loud and aggressive. Why is this?

Aggressive demands were often necessary to receive medical care.


In Russia, diets typically contain inadequate amounts of water-soluble vitamins and trace nutrients such as iron, calcium, and

What is iodine?