What is the Russian word for "dog"?
Собака (Sobaka)
What is the Russian equivalent of the English pronoun "I"?
Я (Ya)
What is the capital city of Russia?
Москва (Moskva)
How do you say "five" in Russian?
Пять (Pyat')
What is a common way to say "thank you" in Russian?
Спасибо (Spasibo)
How do you say "apple" in Russian?
Яблоко (Yabloko)
What is the plural form of "стол" (table) in Russian?
Столы (Stoly)
What traditional Russian dish is made of beetroot?
Борщ (Borshch)
What is the number "twenty" in Russian?
Двадцать (Dvadtsat')
How do you say "please" in Russian?
Пожалуйста (Pozhaluysta)
What is the Russian word for "book"?
Книга (Kniga)
How do you form the future tense for the verb "писать" (to write)?
Use "буду писать" (I will write).
What is the masculine form of the adjective "big" in Russian?
Большой (Bol'shoy)
How do you say "forty" in Russian?
Сорок (Sorok)
How do you say "I love you" in Russian?
Я тебя люблю (Ya tebya lyublyu)
How do you say "water" in Russian?
Вода (Voda)
What is the feminine form of the adjective "маленький" (small)?
Маленькая (Malenkaya)
How do you say "goodbye" in Russian?
До свидания (Do svidaniya)
What is the number "eighty" in Russian?
Восемьдесят (Vosemdesyat)
What is the phrase for "How are you?" in Russian?
Как дела? (Kak dela?)
What is the Russian word for "friend"?
Друг (Drug)
What is the accusative case for the word "человек" (person)?
Человека (Cheloveka)
What is the Russian equivalent of the English verb "to be" in the present tense?
The verb "to be" is often omitted in the present tense.
How do you say "one hundred" in Russian?
Сто (Sto)
What is the phrase for "What is your name?" in Russian?
Как вас зовут? (Kak vas zovut?)