Causes of Revolution!
Lenin Era
Stalin Era
Fall of the Soviet Union

When did the two Russian Revolutions take place? (Months & Year(s))

February/March & October/November 1917

Which Revolution did Lenin Lead?

The October/Bolshevik Revolution


How did Stalin gain power after Lenin’s death?

By outmaneuvering rivals, including Trotsky


What were the four main problems that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union?

Leadership, Economy, Military, and Nationalism


Who was last leader of the Soviet Union?

Mikail Gorbachev


Which war weakened Russia and fueled revolutionary feelings in 1904-1905?

Russo-Japanese War


How did Lenin and the Bolsheviks gain popular support before the October Revolution?

Promising "Bread, Peace, and Land"


How did propaganda help Stalin?

By glorifying his leadership and promoting his policies


What was the general premise of the policy Perestroika?

Incorporating western/capitalist systems into the communist economy such as private business, competition, market flexibility. 


Who were the 4 leaders we examined in this unit? Put them in chronological order. 

Tsar Nicholas II, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mikail Gorbachev. 


Give two specific examples of the living/working conditions for peasants and factory workers in early 20th-century Russia.

Long work days (11-16 hours), unsafe factories, not much food on farm, etc. 


A period of time from 1918-1922 where violence and fear was used to supress enemies. 

Red Terror


What is a command economy, and how did Stalin use Five-Year Plans?

An economy controlled by the government; Five-Year Plans aimed to modernize & industrialize Russia


What was the general premise of the policy of Glasnost?

"openness" allowed for Government transparency, some freedom of speech, and voting. 


What were some of Tsar Nicholas II's major failures as a leader? (Need 3)

Poor leadership decisions, mishandling crises, failure to address people's needs, trusting Rasputin, poor military leadership, violence against the people.


What event in 1905 led to a major loss of public trust in Tsar Nicholas II?



What was Lenin's NEP?

New Economic Policy - Socialist/Capitalist Economy used to stimulate and fix Russia's economy


What was collectivization, and how did it affect Soviet farming?

The government takeover of farms an farming tools, leading to famine and resistance along with a decrease in crop production.


Why did the 14 "soviet republics" declare independence from the Soviet Union?

They felt they were ethnically distinct from the Russians, did not want communism anymore.


This leader was known for his political paranoia, leading him to send millions of his own people to Gulags or executions, a period known as ______.

Joseph Stalin, The Great Purges


How did World War I worsen Russia's domestic problems? (Need 3 reasons)

Causing food shortages, military losses, and economic collapse


What was Lenin's approach to land distribution?

Land was taken from nobility and given to peasants


What caused the Holodomor (Ukrainian Famine), and what were the effects?

Forced grain requisitioning, leading to millions of deaths. Future seeds were taken as punishment. Train tickets stopped being sold & blockades were put up so Ukrainians could not leave. 


How did the Cold War lead to the end of the USSR?

The US had the USSR spending high amounts of money on the military and space race, which took money away from the civilian economy.


In the Russian Civil War, this leader led the Red Army, while the White Army wanted this person to lead Russia. 

Lenin/Trotsky (Red), Tsar Nicholas II (White)