leader of the Bolshevik party
Who is Lenin
Economic system in which the means of production are owned by the government as a whole
What is Communism
Amazon originally only sold what product
What are Books
Stalin's economic policy which focused on increased production in agriculture and industry
What is 5 year plan
The more moderate of the Russian revolutionary groups
Who are the Mensheviks
Russian leader responsible for the Great Purge
Who is Stalin
The more radical of the Russian Marxist revolutionary groups
Who are the Bolsheviks
Which company's slogan is "You're in Good Hands"
What is Allstate
A ruler who rules through the use of terror and intimidation
What is Totalitarianism
In bowling, 3 strikes in a row is called
What is a Turkey
German Philosopher who coined the term Communism
Who is Karl Marx
When protesters marched on the Czar's winter palace and the guards shot unarmed women and children
What is Bloody Sunday
Demolition of the Berlin wall began in what year
What is 1989
The early Russian secret police force
What is the Cheka
What are the only birds that can fly backwards
What is the Hummingbird
Leader of the "Red Army"
Who is Trotsky
Millions of criminals and political prisoners were held at these labor camps
What are the Gulags
How many Harry Potter books and movies are there- Hint they are not the same number
What is 7 Books and 8 Movies
The elected legislature created after Bloody Sunday
What is the Duma
Ukrainian for starvation and to inflict death
What is Holodomor
Adviser to the Czarina while the Czar was off helping the war effort
Who is Rasputin
The slogan of the Bolshevik party
What is "Peace, Land, and Bread"
Outside of North America- in which country was the 1st Starbucks opened
What is Japan
People who went against Stalin's idea of collectivization
Who are the Kulaks
Which Disney Movie has had the most sequels
What is Toy Story (4)