English Learners
Parts of Speech
Parts of a Word

speed and expression of reading. Ability to read text with sufficient speed to support comprehension.

What is reading fluency? 


Word study stage where students do not understand alphabetic principle or letter-sound correspondence.
pre-K - middle first grade.

What is emergent stage?

Social or regional variety of a particular language with phonological, grammatical and lexical patterns that distinguish it from other varieties. 

What is dialect?


Speech sound that combines with others in a language system to make words. Ex. /m/ /a/ /pl/ in maple. 

What is a phoneme?


A morpheme that precedes a root or base word and that contributes to or modifies the meaning of a word.

What is a prefix?


Fluent performance without the conscious deployment of attention.

What is automaticity? 


Word study stage where students match predominant sounds in words to the letters whose names best represent that sound.
kindergarten - middle second grade

What is letter-name alphabetic stage? 


Students who are learning English as a second language. 

What are ESL Students?


The smallest meaningful unit in language. 

What is a morpheme? 


Added to the end of a root or base word, that often changes the word's part of speech and that modifies its meaning.

What is a suffix?


Text usually with the structure of a story, that tells about sequences of fictional or real events and is often contrasted with expository text.

What is a narrative text? 


Word study stage where the students are learning long vowel patterns, r-controlled vowels and complex consonant clusters.
second grade - fifth grade

What is within word pattern stage? 

An approach to language learning in which students' oral compositions are transcribed and used as materials of instruction for reading, writing, speaking and listening.

What is a Language Experience Approach? 


Letter, or letter combination, that spells a single phoneme; it may be one, two, three or four letters, such as "e," "ei," "igh," or "eigh."

What is a grapheme? 


Part of a syllable before the vowel; some syllables do not have these.

What is onset?


Using nearby words or context to figure out unknown words of phrases.

What are context clues?


Word study stage where the students are learning spelling patterns in polysyllabic words, base words, prefixes and suffixes are also examined.
third grade - eighth grade

What is syllable and affixes stage? 


Students with limited English proficiency. 

What is LEP?


Two consonants stand together to represent a single sound, such as "th" or "ph."

What is a consonant digraph? 


Term for the part of a syllable that includes the vowel and what follows it.

What is a rime?

The mental act of knowing when one does and does not understand what they are reading.

What is comprehension monitoring?


Word study stage where students examine the relationship between spelling and meaning.
fifth grade - twelfth grade

What is derivation stage? 


The number of unfamiliar words that ESL students encounter when interacting with text.

What is Language Load?


Study of the relationships between letters and sounds they represent; also used to describe reading instruction that teaches sound-symbol correspondences.

What is phonetics? 


Unit of pronunciation organized around a vowel; may or may not have consonants before or after the vowel.

What is a syllable?