Food Types
Analyzing Texts

What food group do milk and cheese belong to?



What are inferences?

These are deductions or conclusions you make based off of your prior knowledge and context clues. 


What is a non-descriptive adjective?

An adjective that is more mundane and less detailed.


What is previewing a text?

This is when you think and consider what a text will be about before a thorough reading. 


What does "artistic" mean?

This is when somebody is masterful at a certain art form, such as painting. 


What are three of the food groups that you should eat the most of?

Fruit, vegetables, and grains (carbohydrates). 


When might making inferences help you?

When you are trying to define or understand something that was previously unknown. 


What is a descriptive adjective?

An adjective or adjective phrase full of rich details which makes the sentence more interesting. 


Which of the following is a step for previewing a text: 

a. Reading the citation page

b. Reading the title and headings

c. Reading the middle paragraph fully

b. Reading the title and headings


What does "identical" mean?

This is when two or more things look almost or exactly the same. 


Please assign each food to one of the following food groups: fruits, grains, and protein. 

- Chicken

- Pasta

- Beef

- Mango

- Bread

- Watermelon 

Fruit: Mango, watermelon

Grains: Pasta, bread

Protein: Chicken, beef


Which of the following is an inference you could make based on this sentence: Everyday, I go on a long run in the morning before work. 

a. The runner skips work and goes back to sleep.

b. The runner ends up healthier and fitter over time.

c. The runner makes a new friend. 

b. The runner ends up healthier and fitter over time.


Please identify at least three descriptive adjectives or adjectives phrases from the following sentences: I enjoy long bicycle rides in the beautiful weather. I usually take my kind, best friend along, and when we finish, we eat a spectacular meal. 

Long, beautiful, kind, best, spectacular. 


Which paragraph is the most important when previewing a text? 

a. The first and last one

b. The middle paragraphs 

a. The first and last one


Please use the words "occasion" and "principle" properly in two sentences that you make up. 

Answers vary. 


What foods go at the top of a food pyramid?

Sweet, sugary foods and fatty foods. 


Which of the following is an inference you could make about the following sentence: Despite my warnings, my son keeps leaving the stove on for a long time without watching it. 

a. The son will cause a fire one day

b. The son will stop next time

c. The son wants a fire to happen

a. The son will cause a fire one day


Please make the following sentences more specific using descriptive adjectives: I enjoy reading to my baby. He likes it too. 

Example: I really enjoy reading beautiful stories to my little, cute baby. He really likes reading these great and insightful stories as well. 


Please tell me at least one question you should be able to answer after previewing a text. 

Possible answers: the topic of the reading, what ideas are discussed in the reading.


What does it mean to be at risk?

This is when something negative could possibly happen to somebody for whatever reason. 


How is a food pyramid designed (e.g. what goes at the top, and what goes at the bottom)?

Healthier foods go at the bottom, and unhealthy foods go at the top since the bottom is thicker and the top is more narrow/small. 


Which of the following is an inference you could make about the following sentence: The hero decided that the only way to save the town was to draw the enemy to the outskirts and be prepared to battle alone. 

a. The hero will become an alien

b. The hero might change his mind

c. The hero will either die or sustain serious wounds

c. The hero will either die or sustain serious wounds


Please give a sentence with at least three descriptive adjectives that addresses the topic of why school is important. 

Answers vary. 


How can you use context clues?

These are surrounding texts and ideas that can help you understand a speech or reading more.


What is the different between "identifying" and "recognizing"? 

These are similar, but the former is usually used when finding information whereas the latter is used when remembering a certain person.