Vocabulary check
Vocabulary check
Prepositions and phrases
Cloze Test

Correct or incorrect?

1. Many Europeans traveled to America because they wanted religious FREE.

2. The noise in my neighborhood has been INTOLERABLE since they started building a new hotel on the corner.

1. IC

2. C


Correct or incorrect?

1. It looks like the DEPRESSION is finally ending, and more people are finding jobs.

2. The main reason for wanting independence from Great Britain's rule was TAXATIONING without representation.

1. C

2. IC


Please fill in the blank(s) with preposition(s):

 on / in / of / at / from / by / with / across / to / for

The Chinese Exclusion Act stopped almost all immigration ___________ China for 10 years.



Fill in the blank(s) with one word (for each):

I.M. Pei, a Chinese-American architect born in 1917, has brought the past _____ the present.



Find and correct 2 mistakes (simple past, can & could) in the sentences that follow:

 Many poor people in England come to the colonies as indentured servants. Unemployment was high, and they can't work in Great Britain. 

1. Come -- came

2. Can't -- couldn't 


Odd word out:

1. smuggle / blacksmith / taxation

2. carpenter / loyalist / patriot

3. famine / starvation / neighborhood

1. blacksmith

2. carpenter

3. neighborhood


Odd word out:

1. assistance / violence / hostility

2. document / hardship / law

3. dump / capture / kidnap

1. assistance

2. hardship

3. dump


Fill in the blank(s) with preposition(s):

on / in / of / at / from / by / with / into / to / for

1. The people were extremely uncomfortable __________ the new rules.

2. As they communicated further, friendly feelings slowly grew _________ affection.

1. with

2. into


Fill in the blank(s) with one word (for each):

He recently designed and built a large pyramid much (1) _____ the Egyptians did in the past. (2) _________, he used new high technology materials and processes.

1. as/like

2. However


Find and correct 3 mistakes (simple past, transitions of contrast) in the sentences that follow:

They signed a contract in England and agree to work for a period of four to seven years. In exchange, they receive their trip over for free and clothes, food, and shelter in the New World. However, the indentured servants were surprised at their new lives. 

1. Agree -- agreed

2. Receive -- received

3. In contrast -- however


Match the words with their definitions:

1. resentment

2. immigrant

3. disagree with

4. pay a tax

A. pay an additional sum of money

B. a person who comes to live to a country

C. have opposite opinions about something

D. anger, hatred

1. D

2. B

3. C

4. A


Match the words/phrases with their definitions:

1. grievance

2. permanently

3. intolerable

4. debt

A. so bad or extreme that no one can stand it

B. something that is bothering you or making you worried

C. a sum of money that you owe someone

D. forever, continually

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. C


Fill in the blank(s) with preposition(s):

on / in / away / at / from / by / with / out / to / of

1. The COVID-19 epidemic broke _________ in December 2019 in Wuhan.

2. With the closure of the borders, the last hope to get  back there soon was taken _______ from them.

3. Everyone was already tired _______ the constant changes of the policies.

1. out

2. away

3. of


Fill in the blank(s) with one word (for each):

Pei's pyramid is the new main entrance to (1) ______ Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The pyramid is made (2) _____ the special high-strength glass walls. The see-(3)_________ walls give the structure a sense of transparency and lightness.

1. the

2. of

3. through


Find and correct 4 mistakes (can & could, force & make) in the sentences that follow:

Their masters often forced them work in the fields, instead of in their former professions. These servants cannot marry or have children. Their masters can sell their contract to someone else. The masters often made the servants to live in poor conditions. Many died before they got their freedom.

1. Forced them work -- forced them to work/made them work

2. Cannot marry -- Could not marry

3. Can sell -- Could sell

4. Made the servants to live -- made the servants live/forced ... to live


Vocabulary (parts of speech):

1. By the end of 1600s, slave traders ______________________ thousands of Africans and brought them to the colonies.

kidnap / kidnapping / kidnapper

2. The company sent two __________________________ to the negotiations with potential clients.

represent / representation / representative / representing

3. After 1865, ____________________ from southern and eastern Europe started moving to the cities and forming their immigrant neighborhoods.

immigrate / immigration / immigrant / immigrating

4. Some people moved west to _______________ down and start ranches.

settlement / settler / settle / settled

1. kidnapped

2. representatives

3. immigrants

4. settle


Vocabulary (parts of speech):

1. About 60 percent of the settlers in ___________________ America were coming from Great Britain.

colony / colonial / colonization / colonialist

2. If this _____________, I will have to let general manager know.

continue / continuity / continuous / continuously

3. Bob is quite well-behaved student, ___________ he sometimes likes teasing his deskmate.

exception / except that / except for / exceptional

4. Matches, ___________ and other flammable items are not allowed on board.

light / lightning / lighting / lighter

1. colonial

2. continues

3. except that

4. lighters


Fill in the blanks with one of the phrases below:

break with / deal with / charge ... for ... / at peace / by the end of ... / by force / take away from / pay a tax on ... / give in / on board

1. Colonists in America were required to ____________ sugar and printed material.

2. If you're not giving me that paper right now, I'll have to take it away from you ___________.

1. Pay a tax on ...

2. By force


Fill in the blank(s) with one word (for each):

Pei's glass pyramid is the first modern addition to the Louvre, (1) ________ was originally a palace for the kings (2) _____ France.

The pyramid has (3) ______ criticized by people who are puzzled by the unexpected combination of this high-tech (4) ______________ and the surrounding nineteenth-century stone buildings in a traditional style.

1. which/that

2. of

3. been

4. pyramid


Find and correct 5 mistakes (simple past tense, can & could, force & make) in the sentences that follow:

 Colonial women didn't had the same rights we do today. They usually married very young, in their teens. Once they were married, they become the property of their husbands. They can't vote or be witnesses in court, and they couldn't control their own property or money. If they run away from their husbands, they could be arrested for stealing because they took themselves and their clothing. In some places, people wanted to pass laws that would force widows -- women whose husbands died -- remarry within seven years!

1. Didn't had -- didn't have

2. Become -- became

3. They can't vote -- they couldn't vote

4. Run away -- ran away

5. Force widows ... remarry -- force widows ... to remarry/make widows ... remarry


Fill in the blanks with the correct words/phrases and forms:

take ... away / debt / colony / continuous / assistance / conduct / job opportunity / smuggle / resident / rebellion

1. Only a small minority of city _______________________ were not involved in the protests. 

2. I owe my friend 2000 RMB, and I’ll be able to pay my ______________ only after I get my salary.

3. When people decide to boycott goods, it is a form of ____________________ (i.e. a protest against the existing government).

4. Severe and ______________________ droughts led to crop failures and famine.

1. residents

2. debt

3. rebellion

4. continuous


Fill in the blanks with the correct words/phrases and forms:

take ... away / debt / colony / continuous / assistance / conduct / job opportunity / smuggle / resident / rebellion

1. Settlers from Scotland, Germany, Holland, France, Sweden, and Finland came to the ____________________ for a better, safer, and more peaceful life.

2. Africans were forced to come to the colonies; they were becoming slaves, and their freedom ________________ from them.

3. I can surely accomplish this task independently, without any _______________.

4. __________________ seemed to be almost endless for many of the immigrants coming to the United States.

1. colonies

2. was taken away

3. assistance

4. job opportunities


Fill in the blanks with one of the phrases below:

break with / deal with / charge ... for ... / at peace / by the end of ... / by force / take away from / pay a tax on ... / give in / on board

1. I thought you would be ______________ this problem on your own,  but sure, I can give some advice to you.

2. I'm new here, and I'm still a bit confused about how things work in this organization, but I'm happy to be ______________ and to become a part of the team.

3. They ____________ a bit too much ________ a burger in that restaurant, but I'm telling you it's worth it!

1. Dealing with 

2. On board

3. Charge ... for...


Fill in the blank(s) with one word (for each):

However, Pei felt the project was a chance (1) ______ integrate artistic design with his commitment to urban renewal -- a plan to renew the city and help it meet current needs. The new addition (2) ______ the Louvre is built above a huge below-ground network of services and passages. Pei hoped to revitalize (3) ______ Louvre and give it new life and energy. His goal was to (4) _______ it easy for (5) ________ to enter the Louvre and to make the Louvre a part of the life of present-day Paris.

1. to

2. to

3. the

4. make

5. people/everyone/anyone


There are 6 mistakes (simple past tense, there + be, quotations, punctuation of transitions) in the paragraph that follows. Find and correct them.

 In the 19th century, there are frequent conflicts between ranchers and homesteaders. Homesteaders came out and claim free government land for their farms. In contrast ranchers needed lots of land for their cattle. The ranchers were used to feeding and driving their cattle on the government land. Both sides start to fence large areas of land but this led to more problems. People started cutting the fences and fencing land that wasn't theirs. The cattle sometimes died when they got stuck at a fence. As one person said, I saw drifts of dead cattle along that fence sometimes 400 yards wide.

1. There are -- there were

2. Came out and claim -- came out and claimed 

3. In contrast, (comma)

4. Both sides start -- both sides started

5. ...land, but ... (add a comma)

6. "I saw drifts of dead cattle along that fence sometimes 400 yards wide."