General Dose Calculations
Body Weight Calculations
Flow Rate

A pediatric patient is receiving 5.25 mL of drug every 4 hours. How many milliliters will be required for the entire day? Round to the nearest WHOLE number.

32 mL


Calculate the IBW (in kilograms) for a female patient who is 5’5” tall and weighs 106 pounds.

57 kg


Determine the CrCl rate for an 80-year-old male patient weighing 70 kg. He has a current SCr level of 2 mg/dL. Round to the nearest WHOLE number.

29 mL/min


The label for a dry powder package of ampicillin oral suspension states that when 111 mL of water are added to the powder, 150 mL of a suspension containing 250 mg of ampicillin per 5 mL are prepared. What is the powder volume of this product?

39 mL


The pharmacist has an order for heparin 25,000 units in 250 mL D5W to infuse at 1,000 units/hour. What should the infusion rate be set at in mL/hr?

10 mL/hr


A prescription reads: “take 2 tsp PO Q6H x 7 days.” How many milliliters must be dispensed to complete the 7 days of therapy?

280 mL


Calculate body mass index (BMI) for a female who is 5’4” tall and weighs 180 pounds. Round to the nearest WHOLE number.

31 kg/m2


GL is a 66-year-old male (Ht 73 inches, Wt 182 lbs)  admitted to the hospital with cellulitis. Calculate his CrCl using IBW. His current SCr is 1.7 mg/dL. Round to the nearest WHOLE number.

48 mL/min


How many milliliters of sterile water for injection should be added to a 2-g vial of Azactam to get a final concentration of 100 mg/mL?

20 mL


If 200 mg of drug are added to a 500 mL bag, what rate of flow, in milliliters per hour, will deliver 500 mcg of drug per hour? Round to the nearest HUNDREDTH.

1.25 mL/hr


A patient has a weight of 175 pounds and a height of 6’1”. Calculate the patient’s BSA using the Mosteller formula. Round to the nearest HUNDREDTH.

2.02 m2


Calculate adjusted body weight (in kilograms) for a 55-year-old male patient weighing 242 lbs and measuring in at 6’2”. Round to the nearest WHOLE number.

93 kg


JK is a 73-year-old female who weighs 95 lbs & is 63 inches tall. Her SCr is 1.5 mg/dL. What is her CrCl using the Cockcroft-Gault equation? (Round your answer to the nearest WHOLE number).

23 mL/min


The label for a dry powder package of cefprozil oral suspension directs the pharmacist to add 72 mL of purified water to prepare 100 mL of suspension. If the package contains 2.5 g of cefprozil, how many milligrams of drug would be contained in each tablespoonful of the constituted suspension?

375 mg


A nurse is hanging a 4% lidocaine drip for a patient. If the dose ordered is 6 mg/min, how many hours will a 250 mL bag last? Round to the nearest TENTH.

27.8 hrs


A 7-year-old child weighing 48 pounds presents to the urgent care clinic with a fever. The child will be prescribed a 5-grain acetaminophen suppository to treat his fever. The pharmacist needs to calculate how many milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) the child will receive per each suppository used. Round to the nearest WHOLE number.

15 mg/kg


A 47-year-old male comes to the clinic for a yearly preventative care visit. Vital signs include: BP 131/79 mmHg, HR 85 BPM, Ht 5’8”, Wt 187 lbs. What is this patient’s BMI classification?

Overweight (28.5 kg/m2)


A 64-year-old female patient (height 5’5”, weight 205 lbs) is hospitalized with pneumonia. Her SCr (2.7 mg/dL) has spiked upon admission. Calculate her current CrCl. Round to the nearest TENTH.

23.7 mL/min


A vial contains 5 g of a powdered drug for reconstitution. The label states that when 5.5 mL of diluent is added, the final concentration will be 500 mg/mL. If a prescription order calls for a drug concentration of 200 mg/mL, how many milliliters of diluent should be added to the vial? Round to the nearest TENTH.

20.5 mL


A physician orders an IV infusion for 1 liter of D5W to be delivered over 8 hours. The IV infusion set delivers 15 drops/mL. How many drops/min will the patient receive? Round to the nearest WHOLE number.

31 drops/min


Cabazitaxel is dosed at 25 mg/m2 for prostate cancer. Calculate the dose for a patient with a height of 73 inches and a weight of 190 pounds. Round to the nearest HUNDREDTH.

52.75 mg


An obese female patient is to receive 4.6 mg/kg/day of theophylle (which is calculated using IBW). The patient is 5’4” and weighs 245 pounds. Calculate this patient’s daily dose of theophylline. Round to the nearest TEN milligrams.

250 mg/day


GF is a 42-year-old female who weighs 185 pounds and is 65 inches tall. Her SCr is 1.8 mg/dL. What is her CrCl using the Cockcroft-Gault equation? Round to the nearest WHOLE number.

44 mL/min


A hospital pharmacist receives the following order: Nafcillin sodium 800 mg in 100 mL NS. 

The pharmacist uses a 1-g vial of nafcillin with directions as follows: “when reconstituted with 3.4 mL of diluent, vial contains 4 mL of solution”

However, he reconstitutes the vial with 5 mL of sterile water instead of the 3.4 mL as directed on the label. How much of the solution should be added to normal saline for the required dose? Round to the nearest TENTH.

4.5 mL


JY is a 58-year-old male hospitalized for a total knee replacement. He was given UFH and developed HIT. Argatroban was ordered at a dose of 2 mcg/kg/min. The pharmacy mixes a concentration of 100 mg argatroban in 250 mL of D5W. JY weighs 187 lbs. At what rate (mL/hr) should the nurse infuse argatroban to provide the desired dose? Round to the nearest WHOLE number.

26 mL/hr