Kicking someone when angry
How can you make an I-Statement when you are feeling angry?
I am feeling angry right now I need ____
Anxiety is normal
Katie's ears are starting to feel hot, and her stomach is starting to hurt. What feeling do you think is starting?
I am feeling blue. What might this emotion be?
Walking away when someone is beginning to make you mad
How can you make an I-Statement when you are sad?
I feel sad, because ____
A great way to calm down is to breathe in and out really fast
Alex is starting to feel scared, how should he calm down?
Deep breath, take a break, etc.
I am feeling red, what might this emotion be?
How can you make an I-Statement when you are scared?
I am feeling scared, because ____
It is a good choice to pout, yell, or get mad when we do not get our way
Kiki is in a fight with her dad because he is asking her to do something she does not want to do. What is a coping skill Kiki can use?
Daily Double for more than 2 coping skills!
Give answers!
Daily Double for more than 2 coping skills!
I am feeling green, what emotion might this be?
Using the 5,4,3,2,1 technique when feeling worried or angry
Stephanie is really scared because she saw lightening, but instead of using her words she starts to scream and cry. How can she best use an I-statement to explain how she feels?
It is important to find what helps you in order to feel better
Peter is being a bully to Eric, what is one thing that Eric can do in this situation?
1. Tell the teacher or adult
2. Use a coping skill
I am feeling yellow, what emotion might I be feeling?
Excited or silly
Getting a drink of water in school when someone is being rude to you and you are starting to feel angry.
Bonus points..
What is a next step you should take?
June is feeling angry because her brother took her favorite XBOx game. Make an I-Statement for her so that she can tell how she feels.
I feel angry because my brother took my XBox game.
When items are taken away from you, you should get upset and angry.
Beth is working hard on a project and does not want to stop when her mom tells her it is time for dinner. What skill should Beth use to "go with the flow?" in order for her mom to not be upset and for Beth to take a break?
Flexible thinking or deep breath and self talk
What might someone feel if I have an unexpected action? For example, if my teacher is teaching and I am looking around the room, how might my teacher be feeling?
Double Points!
Confused, upset, angry, frustrated.