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Water pollution from a single source such as a pipe or a drain. 

What is point source pollution?


These are two negative aspects of nuclear waste from energy generation.

What is radioactive waste and need for long term storage of waste?


The most used fuel in the United States (for all applications).

What is petroleum?


This, also known as acid rock drainage, occurs when sulfide minerals are exposed to air and water.

What is Acid precipitation?


This 1930s disaster involved drought and then famine.

What was the dust bowl?

Pollution from diffuse sources, not easily traced to a single origin

What is Non point-source pollution?


These are two positive aspects of nuclear energy production.

What is high efficiency and no emissions?


This traditional method for travel in the United States sparks an argument for more public transportation to lower emissions and increase energy efficiency.

What is gasoline powered automobiles (cars/trucks)?


This quadrant would include as tax breaks, subsidies, and regulations to promote green practices.

What is the political quadrant (because these are political incentives)?


This is a natural event that could cause sewage leakage.

What is heavy rainfall?


This alternative trash practice has the following effects :Conserves resources, reduces landfill waste, saves energy in production, lowers emissions, creates jobs.

What is recycling?


True or False: Fossil fuels have many applications which may be the reason for their widespread use including electricity generation, transportation, heating, and industrial processes.

What is true?


This is primarily caused by logging for timber, agriculture, and urban development.

What is deforestation?


This the process of returning land to a natural state after mining or industrial use.

What is restoration?


The following pollutants cause this health effect in humans: particulate matter, asbestos, and radon; can be direct or indirect.

What is lung cancer?

Increase in concentration of toxins in organisms higher in the food chain

What is biomagnification?


This process happens when chlorine atoms from human-made chemicals break down ozone in stratospheric clouds.

What is depletion of the ozone layer? O3


Effect of _______ include melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and altered weather patterns

What is global warming?


The ____ is the rate of flow of energy or matter across a given surface

What is flux?


This negative human health condition is caused by lead-based paints, contaminated water; can be direct or indirect.

What is lead poisoning?


Use of Biomass in developing countries includes these three things.

What is for cooking, heating, and electricity generation?


What renewable resources have cons involving intermittency (not always available) and visual impact?

What is wind power?


These are some of the ecological services that rural areas provide to populations.

What are clean air, water, pollination, and biodiversity preservation?


These two things are collected at landfill sites to prevent pollution and contamination.

What are Methane and leachate?


This specific type of waste is managed with treatment, recycling, secure landfills, or chemical alteration.

What is hazardous waste?


An effect of _____ is a decrease in oxygen levels due to excessive nutrients leading to algal blooms.

What is artificial eutrophication of Olevels?


Burning ______ releases pollutants that contribute to acid rain.

What are fossil fuels?


________ countries have higher consumption per person than developing countries

What are developed countries?


These are all indicators of a ______________: erosion, sedimentation, and contamination of water sources

What is surface mining?


Pros of this alternative trash method include reducing waste, cons involve odor and space requirements.

What is composting?