duōs diēs Modestus in horreō sē cēlābat.
acc. "for two days."
2nd, nominative, singular, masculine
plūrimī prīncipēs, avāritiā et metū corruptī, Salvium adiuvābant.
avāritiā et metū corruptī = corrupted by avarice and fear
Belimicus, epistulam mendācem Salviī manū tenēns, ad aulam vēnit.
Holding the deceitful letter of Salvius in his hand, Belimicus came to the palace.
This Roman tribune spoke to Quintus regarding his late father.
tertiō diē Modestus, fame cōnfectus, ex horreō exīre volēbat.
abl. "On the third day"
2nd, genitive, singular,
Salvius rīdēbat, cōnsiliō amīcī dēlectātus.
cōnsiliō amīcī dēlectātus. = delighted with/by the plan of his friend
Belimicus, vīnō solūtus (=relaxed) nihilque suspicātus, venēnum cōnsūmpsit.
Relaxed by the wine and suspecting nothing, Belimicus ate the poison.
This person summered in London and lived in the country house with Salvius during the winter.
Belimicus, multōs continuōs diēs Quīntum et Dumnorigem persecūtus, tandem eōs invēnit.
acc. "for many days in a row"
1st accusative singular feminine
Belimicus, spē praemiī adductus, Salviō summum auxilium dedit.
spē praemiī adductus = "Led on by the hope of reward"
Belimicus, verbīs Salviī perturbātus et metū īrāque commōtus, audācter dīcere coepit.
Belimicus, disturbed by the words of Salvius and moved by fear and anger, began to speak audaciously.
This person wrote an autobiography of Gnaius Agricola.
Belimicus, nūllam fraudem suspicātus, ad aulam nōnā hōrā vēnit.
abl. "at the ninth hour"
5th ablative singular feminine
agricolae, fūstibus armātī, mīlitibus Rōmānīs resistēbant.
fūstibus armātī = Armed with clubs
Belimicus, venēnō excrūciātus, pugiōnem tamen (=nevertheless) in Salvium coniēcit (=hurled), spē ultiōnis adductus.
Belimicus, tortured by the venom, Belimicus nevertheless hurled his dagger at Salvius, led on by the hope of revenge.
This person was murdered by Belimicus on the orders of Salvius
Salvius in aulā novem diēs manēbat ut rēs Cogidubnī administrāret.
abl. "On the tenth day"
1st ablative singular feminine
Salvius, audāciā Belimicī incēnsus, eum interficere cōnstituit.
audāciā Belimicī incēnsus = Enraged by Belimicus’ boldness
Servus garum venēnō mixtum intulit atque in pateram (=into the bowl) effūdit.
He brought in the garum mixed with poison and poured it into the bowl.
This person composed the "will" of Cogidubnus