Terms and Conditions (T&Cs)
Recent Trainings

For contracts, instead of the word "agree" what 3 words should you use and when? (per Gartner Legal)

Shall when making a promise to do something. 

Represents when asserting that a specific fact is true (as of the date of the agreement). 

Warrants when asserting a fact will be true in the future. 

Represents and warrants, true now, true in the future. 


What is the difference between "Initiated by" and "Owner" in Conga? When should either be updated?

Initiated by = the commodity/category owner. It should only be changed if the category is updated or when a new Category Manager replaces an old CM. 

Owner = the individual who negotiated the deal. Owner should be changed if the person negotiating the record changes. This should NEVER be updated after the record is activated.


What all does a supplier need to fill out on Gartner's MSA template?

Legal entity name, address, annex to DPA


Fill in the blank: 

Gartner's private _____ is a secure version of ChatGPT that keeps query and data safely inside our secure environment.                                 

Bonus (50 points): name 2 Personas

GenAI Chat            

Bonus: Aida - the Professor, Connor - the Conversationalist, Crea - the Creative, Empate - the Empathetic, Gideon - the Gartner style writer, Ina - the Internal Communicator, Ozzy - the Organizer, Rick - the Research Content Summarizer, Simpiwe - the Simplifier, Sumit - the Summarizer, Custom Persona


When is AIC data updated?

On the 15th of every month


How many S2C associates have been with Gartner 10 or more years? Name 2

1. Jeanine Braun - 12 years 

2. Desere' Edwards - 11 years 

3. Diana Zeindler - 10 years


What type of indemnification claims does Gartner's template include as a default position?

First Party Indemnification: covers parties to the contract and covers ALL claims. 

This means Gartner’s own claims and third parties’ claims. 

This is Gartner’s default position.“…all claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys' fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with this Agreement including without limitation…


You see a record (contract) in Conga with the agreement type: outside procurement. Who uploaded that agreement? 

BONUS (20 points): What department is in charge of ensuring outside procurement records integrate to Coupa?

The BU



1. Where should you save all redlines? 

2. You received approval from Insurance, Legal or any other source, where should you store this approval?

1. In the Projects Folder on the Bee Drive by Supplier 

2. In the Conga record and the Bee Drive


1. Where can you find the Prohibited supplier list? 

2. How often is it updated? 

3. Name two suppliers on the prohibited supplier list.

1. Coupa homepage - General Information 

2. As required 

3. Apptad, Clous BC Labs Inc, Hippster, Rangewave, Tentlogix, Barcelona, i-4business EMEA, IText, Huawei Technologies, ZTE Corp, Hytera Communications, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology, Dahua Technology and any of their subsidiaries and affiliates


What is the SLA for S2C to approve reqs/SIM forms and respond to S2C inbox emails?



1. Gartner has 4 revenue streams, what are they? 

2. What is the primary revenue stream? 

3. Which of the 4 does Gartner.com fall into?

1. Research & Advisory (R&A), Gartner Consulting, Gartner Digital Markets (GDM), Conferences 

2. Research & Advisory 

3. Research & Advisory


What is the difference between Gartner's Authority Matrix (GAM), Subsidiary Signing Matrix and the Electronic Signature Policy?

GAM - designates the associates who have standing authority to approve certain company transactions and contracts. 

Subsidiary Signing Matrix - sets forth who has legal authority to sign for our non-US subsidiaries, as well as any other restrictions adopted by the boards of directors of those subsidiaries. 

Electronic Signature Policy - guidelines for accepting e-signatures on legal agreements


Which 3 fields determine who will get an automatic email notification when a record is expiring in Conga?

Initiated by, Owner and Expiration Notice Email


1. When should you use NA payment terms in Conga? 

2. Will this record integrate to Coupa?

1. When to - when money will NOT leave the door (NDA, amendments for T&C's). 

When NOT to - when money is out the door, when payment terms are in the agreement (MSA). 

2. Records with NA payment terms will NOT integrate to Coupa


What are the 3 risk assessment questionnaires in Coupa Risk assessment?

Anti-Bribery/Anti-Corruption (ABAC), Information Security (Info Sec) and Data Protection


Gartner's Information Security team regularly conducts enterprise-wide phishing tests to assess how well we respond to potential attacks. If you suspect an email, what should you do?

Use the 'Report Phish' or 'Report Suspicious' buttons in Outlook to report any email you think may be malicious. Our tools will let you know if it is safe.                                                              

If you receive a suspicious Teams Chat from an external sender, please contact Incidents@gartner.com. 

For May's test, 66.3% of associates used the report Phish button, 9.8% clicked the link in the email


When S2C gets audited in Conga, what are the 4 major things that are looked at?

That all active records have both parties' signatures, there is a DocuSign certificate, and MSAs include the non-publicity and SCOC clause


What happens if indemnification is not included in a contract?

The damaged party is still able to pursue compensation for its losses. But the damaged party must defend itself against the claim FIRST and then make the claim for damages to the contract party and cover all costs for defending the claim. 

Indemnification covers legal fees (not necessarily awarded if going to court)


1. You have executed an MSA and SOW simultaneously, how many records should be in Conga and why? 

2. If you execute an amendment to extend an agreement, what should you do in Conga?

1. There should be 2, 1 for the MSA, 1 for the SOW. Reasons: ensuring the correct end dates, dollar value and other Conga information. 

2. a. Create an Conga record for the extension agreement, tie the parent agreement using the "Parent Agreement" field. b. Extend the end date of the original agreement/Conga record.


Name 3 clauses that are in the long service agreement template, but are not in the short service agreement template.

o        Rate Cards & Reimbursements (section 3.1)
o        Time and Material Payment (section 3.4)
o        Fixed Price Payments (3.5)
•        Intellectual Property Rights (5)
•        Limitation of Liability (8)
•        No Conflicts (9)
•        Continuity of Resources (10)
•        Data Protection & Privacy (13)
•        Information Security and Business Continuity (14)
o        Financial Crime Laws (15.5)
o        Equitable Relief (15.9)
o        Survival (15.10)
o        Counterparts (15.13)


1. What tools do S2C associates have access to that provides procurement insights, intelligence and data? Hint: 3 tools 

2. What tool can we use to check client spend?

1. Beroe, Gartner.com, BuySmart 

2. gBrowse


According to Procure to Pay, are taxes required on a requisition or invoice?

Tax / Freight / Shipping / Handling / Misc on Requisitions: Associates do not need to add taxes, freight or miscellaneous amounts in the requisition amount. Taxes will be calculated / entered at the invoice submission stage and will not impact PO totals.


The end of 2024 will be here before we know it! What should we tell our BUs for the following scenarios? 

1. They ask what is the deadline to submit a request for a new contract that needs to be signed this year? 

2. A BU has sent a rush EOY agreement to use the rest of their 2024 budget.

1. The deadline for new contract request is October 31st  

2.a  If CV is less than $50K they can expense this year and use the services next year and this will count towards 2024 budget
2.b  If CV is over $50K then FP&A distributes (via accrual) in the year of service. This is where payment now for 2025 services will not count towards the 2024 budget and we need to educate BU. However, payment now for 2024 services will count.


For limitation of liability (LOL), please name the two types of damages and explain the differences.

Direct Damages: damages suffered by a party that naturally result from the breach of the other party. Examples: 1) if a marketing agency does some work for $50,000 and Gartner doesn’t pay them, the marketing agency can sue Gartner for $50,000 in direct damages. 2) Gartner being sued by 3rd party due to IP infringement. 

Indirect Damages refers to all the knock-on effects (ripple effect) due to breach on the non-breaching party. These are hard to quantify at the time the agreement is put in place. 

Examples: 1) A SaaS supplier has a contract with Gartner to repair Gartner.com by a certain date and fails to do that, the indirect damages to Gartner would include the loss of Clients due to Gartner.com being down. 2) Data breach: reputational damage and higher insurance premium.  


If an agreement has multiple payment terms, 

1. What should CMs put in Conga? 

2. Who should they reach out to  get this updated in Coupa? 

3. What should the email include?

1. Category Managers should enter the longest payment term on the Conga record. 

2. CMs should reach out to their Buyer via email requesting a new payment term be setup in Coupa in addition to what is in Conga. 

3. The email should include: supplier number (AP#), Conga record #, the payment terms needed & an explanation for the request. 


1. When checking a supplier's code of conduct, how many requirements are there to check for? 

2. Who do you email if a requirement is missing? 

3. If you use a suppliers code in lieu of Gartner's, what 3 clauses need to be added to the agreement? 

4. Where can you find these clauses?

1. 9 requirements 

2. Tannu Dahiya (Sr Compliance Specialist, L&C) 

3. Sustainability Commitment, Modern Slavery, and Supplier Diversity 

4. Gartner's SCOC


1. What triggers a DAC6 review? 

2. What European country and or union is not included?

1. When cross-border arrangements occurring in the European Union (EU). This can be between two EU counties, or an EU country and a non-EU country.  

2. Any European country not in the EU (23 total countries) including but not limited to the England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Switzerland


If a supplier is not active in Coupa, but the contract needs to go out for signature 

1. What check can be ran? 

2. Who do you send the results to for approval? 

3. What is the check looking for?

1. OFAC 

2. Desere' Edwards 

3. OFAC Search (also known as OFAC Screening or Scrubbing) is the process by which organizations identify whether or not any parties involved in a transaction can be found on watch lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), a division of U.S. Department of the Treasury.


What do the following acronyms stand for and provide a brief description/definition?   

1. NCVI  2. OC member 3. CCG 4. COE

1. Net Contract Value Increase - measures net growth of our subscription base 

2. Operating Committee – CEO and their direct reports 

3. Corporate Controllers Group – a group within Finance. 

4. Center of Excellence