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Viva la Revolution

Commonly considered the first mechanical MUSIC PLAYER, this device was invented by Thomas Alva Edison using work on the TELEPHONE and telegram.

What is a phonograph?


This THREE-HEADED DOG is possessed by the Greek Emperor of the Underworld, Hades. His name sounds like a part of the BRAIN.

Who is Cerberus?


This city was renamed LENINGRAD during the existence of the Soviet Union and is the fourth-most populous city in Europe, and the second-largest in Russia besides Moscow. It is named after a famous Russian Tsar's PATRON APOSTLE, who shares the same name as him.

What is St. Petersburg?


This book in the 1st PERSON, written by a YOUNG GIRL during a very tremulous time period details her life in hiding from a GROUP OF PEOPLE that wanted to kill her.

What is "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank?


This revolution occurred due to the tyranny of a certain EMPIRE over its colonies. During said revolution, the rebels did many things such as boycott the purchase of goods from the Empire, take up arms, and DUMP CRATES OF A CERTAIN SUBSTANCE INTO A BODY OF WATER.

What is the American Revolution?


This machine, commonly used by meteorologists and invented by Angelista Torricelli, in its original form consists of a 76cm long glass column of MERCURY to measure a certain climatic factor. It is also commonly carried by travelers who enjoy HIKING and MOUNTAINEERING.

What is a barometer?


This chimpanzee, whose name acutally sounds like a TYPE OF CAT, accompanied the "MONKEY MAN" in the 1999 disney film ocurring in a JUNGLE.

Who is Cheeta?


This city was the de facto seat of government of AUSTRALIA until 1927, before Canberra was built. It is located in the state of VICTORIA and is behind in population only to Sydney.

What is Melbourne?


This book was written by two Germans who preached about a CERTAIN IDEOLOGY and gave rise the WORKING-CLASS REVOLUTION in many countries but particularly one famous country.

What is "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels?


This revolution began in 1910, when the rule of the dictator of a country, called the PORFIRATIO, became disliked by the people. However, after this man was removed from office, his next THREE SUCCESSORS were also terrible statesmen and the people fought against them two. The revolution was catalyzed by the US INVASION OF THIS COUNTRY due to the interception of the ZIMMERMAN TELEGRAM from Germany durng World War I.

What is the Mexican Revolution?


A machine borne of the efforts of Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, Oliver Lodge, James Maxwell and other physicists, it uses the principle of RADIATION of electromagnetic waves to a LONG STICK-LIKE DEVICE to capture signals.

What is a radio?


This Portuguese Water Dog belongs to BARACK OBAMA and his family. It shares its name with the SHEPHERDESS DOLL in Toy Story and is 2-LETTERS LONG.

Who is Bo?


This city was the capital of ACHAEMENID PERSIA and its name comes from the ancient word for Persia, which sounds similar to a small RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY. Its name is also similar to the name of a POPULAR BOOK and comes from GREEK, meaning "The Persian City" in that language.

What is Persepolis?


This book was written and published in 1852 by an American lady who supported a CERTAIN CAUSE. It is believed to have been a major factor for the ONSET OF THE CIVIL WAR and discusses the life of two African-American slaves under a man named Simon Legree.

What is "Uncle Tom's Cabin" written by Harriet Beecher Stowe?


This was an INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION that shook SCIENTIFIC and RELIGIOUS spheres in Europe. It changed the worldview of many people and scientists from following that of the Greek scholar PTOLEMY to that of the NAMESAKE OF THIS REVOLUTION, concerning ASTRONOMY. It was started by and named after the man who stipulated that the EARTH REVOLVES AROUND THE SUN, highly agitating the Catholic Church.

What is the Copernican Revolution?


This common DRUG was discovered by a Scottish physician who has a similar name to a language spoken in Belgium by strikin an orange with a pencil and leaving it there. When it was first discovered, it was commonly used by soldiers landing in Normandy on D-Day.

What is penicillin?


This famous historical horse belonged to Maharana Pratap Singh of the Kingdom of Mewar who valiantly led a RESISTANCE AGAINST THE MUGHALS shares its name with a LINE OF MOTORBIKES produced the Bajaj Auto Company and means "THINKER" in Sanskrit.

Who is Chetak?


This city which is located in modern-day PATNA, BIHAR was the capital of multiple Indian empires and, from antiquity until the rule of the Mughals, has been the CAPITAL OF INDIA. It was the administrative center for famous empires like the GUPTAS AND THE MAURYAS and was a major Hindu cultural site. Its name is derived from the PATALI TREE and the Sanskrit word for "SON".

What is Pataliputra?


This book was written by a SCIENTIST, whose theory is particulary DISCREDITED BY A CERTAIN RELIGIOUS GROUP. His book, which talks about various SPECIES, is considered to be the foundation of a certain BRANCH OF BIOLOGY, where he created two popular sayings about his theory that have become memes.

What is "On the Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin?

This rebellion took place in a major colony during the 19th century, which was called the "CROWN JEWEL" of the colonial empire. It was started by the SEPOYS containing COMMON MEN in the colonial army believed that a certain practice went against their RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. After this revolution, the LAST KING OF A FAMOUS EMPIRE abdicated and was deported to a Southeast ASIAN country.

What is the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857/Indian War of Independence?


Often referred to as the "FATHER OF SURGERY", Sushruta invented this technique as a method to remove a part of the eye afflicted with a kind of BLINDNESS.

What is cataract surgery?


The HORSE of Alexander the Great, his name means "OX-HEADED" in Greek, coming from a brand on his thigh that looked like an ox's head. Alexander achieved a great feat in TAMING him, and a statue was erected in his honor. He died during the BATTLE OF THE HYDASPES, fought between Alexander and the Indian King Porus in modern-day Pakistan.

Who is Bucephalus?


This city, a major metropolitan city in a country that IS TECHNICALLY AT WAR with another country, was the historical capital of the Joseon Dynasty since 1392. It shares its name with a LARGE UNIVERSITY in said city at present. Its name today gives rise to the names of many modern day RAILWAY LINES called Gyeong.(Full points for the old name, Half points for the new name)

What is Hanyang/Seoul?


DAILY DOUBLE: This book, written by Mauryan court scholar Chanaka(AKA Vishnugupta/Kautilya), was a treatise on POLITICAL SCIENCES, WARFARE, WELFARE, ECONOMICS, and MILITARY STRATEGY that helped lead to the rise of the first Mauryan Emperor Chandragupta Maurya in 320 BCE. It is one of the major primary sources that we have on its history. Its name comes from the SANSKRIT WORDS for "MEANING" and "SCRIPTURE".

What is "The Arthashastra" by Chanakya?


This revolution, which was NOT A REBELLION OR WAR was rather a societal upheaval. In theory, it was supposed to have been supported by a group of people called the PROLETARIAT(in English). It was started by the ruler of this country after he led the country to an economic disaster to restore his power in the country's political party. It led to many deaths, famines, and STRICT POLITICAL CONTROL over the SOCIAL spheres of the country to preserve its EASTERN VALUES.

What is the (Great Proletariat) Cultural Revolution?