Skills & Etiquette
Applying for Jobs
Personality Types & Dream Life

True or False: Resolving conflict is a soft skill

True; You can use it in any job


True or False: You should double check your job application for any mistakes before you submit

True; If there is mistakes, your application may get tossed aside automatically


Name one way to grow your money

Investing, Bonds, Stocks, and more


Which personality type enjoys helping others, Social or Realistic?

Social; They enjoy helping, curing, and informing others.


Is a hard skill one that you can use in any job?

No, it requires training on the job or from an institution


Scenario: Jack is interviewing to work at a bank. He wears a baseball cap and sunglasses during the meeting. Is this okay? 100 Bonus points if you can explain your answer.

Not okay; You should try to dress more appropriately for a banking position. Jack could wear something like a suit or a button-down shirt with dress pants.


What are two common types of bank accounts?

Checking and Savings


What is one thing each member of your team needs to achieve their dream life? This can be education, experience, or even a soft/hard skill

Answer varies based on your goals


Name three proper workplace behaviors

Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Professionalism, Good Eye Contact, Strong Handshake (there's more acceptable answers too)


What are four things you list on your resume? You can list categories or things specific to you

Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Hard/Soft skills, Areas of Expertise, Achievements, Work History, Education, References

Ex: Participation in a school club, Awards for academic achievements, Sports award/championships won, Volunteering, Languages


What is bartering? Give an example of bartering for 200 bonus points

Ex: Bartering allows individuals to get things they need by sharing some of what they have. 

For example, a farmer may need furniture for his home and may exchange fruits and vegetables with a blacksmith or carpenter

Another example: Before medical regulations were established, doctors might have accepted chickens in exchange for treatment.


Scenario: Sarah wants to go on a vacation to Paris and needs to save for the plane ticket of 900 dollars to get there from LA. How much should she save towards the plane ticket each month?

Answers vary:

75 each month for 12 months

150 for 6 months

300 for 3 months