“Moreover, a person may be serving Me, but if there is no bhakti for Bhagwan in his heart, I cannot develop a liking for him - even if I try. Even if he is as virtuous as Naradji, if he lacks bhakti for Bhagwan, I do not like him.
What is Vachnamrut Gadhada I-37?
He would build Mandirs out of sand.
Who is Dungar Bhagat?
If there is no Bhakti then Maharaj doesn’t like him.
We’re the 1st BLANK proof in the world
Some times that we offer out Bhakti:
Puja, thaal, Aarti, studying hard, chesta
They saw Dungar Bhagat engaged in such deviton and believed that he would one day become a great sadhu?
Who are the elders?
It is the norm to do mangala aarti at 6:00 am but at Selvas it starts at BLANK am.
What is at 5:45?
Name a Swami Ni Vato that means: By keeping this one wish of going to Akshardham in mind, we can continue to strive to please Maharaj and Swami by strengthening out bhakti.
“ Mare to Akshardhamma Javu chh, evo ek sankalp rakhvo.“
Year it was built:
We can improve our Bhakti by:
following in our guru’s footsteps.
At age BLANK, Bulgar Bhagat went to a family wedding.
What is 6 years old?
Mahant Swami Maharaj because he missed mangala aarti.
True or false there always room for improvement.
We use BLANK to generate electricity!
Solar panels
Bhakti is important because:
we want to grow and achieve our goal to please Maharaj and Swami
Dungar Bhagat slipped out of the weeding to go to the BLANK?
Bonus: What did he do there?
What is the local mandir?
Bonus: Darshan, devotional services, and gave a spiritual discourses.
This prasang shows us …
What is the immense determination and love that MSM has for Bhagwan?
Shastriji Maharaj exemplified perfect Bhakti at what age?
What is a young age? Approx: 6years old
The Mandir is made out of BLANK pieces of Carrara marble
This desire for bhakti can be seen in each of our gurus, such as BLANK, who was able to overcome all obstacles to offer devotion to Maharaj and Swami, accomplishing his mission to spread the truth about Akshar and Purushottam.
Shastriji Maharaj
Why did Dungar refuse to eat lunch?
It was Ekadashi, and he was observation a fast.
Who convinced MSM to eat something?
Who can we take inspiration from to strengthen our bhakti?
Our gurus, and their prasangs.
What year did PSM do murti pratishtha of Los Angeles Mandir?
15 September 2007