What is Gunatitanand Swami childhood name and parents name?
Mulji Sharma & Bholanath/Sakarba
What is Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s childhood name and birthday?
Shantilal and December 7, 1921
What Sant came during one of the combines?
Nirsohcharan Swami
What is Bhagatji Swami childhood name and parents name?
Pragji Bhakta and Govindbhai/Maluba
Recall a prasang of bapa being a leader?
hint: old toothbrush
he would clean up and pick up old toothbruhes from the bathroom which shows his leadership
What did he present to his about?
Bapa having so many talents
What was Shastriji Maharaj's childhood name and parents name?
Dungar Bhakta and Dhoribhai/Hetba
Say the prasang about bapa and the man with cigarettes?
“Why not try to reduce the number of bidis you smoke? You typically smoke two bundles a day; from now on, try smoking just five or six bidis daily.” The elderly man responded positively, saying, “That sounds more manageable. I’ll work on quitting gradually.
when did bapa come to robby at 1am?
What was Yogiji Maharaj's childhood name and parents?
Jina Bhakta and Devchandbhai/Puriba
What is Bapa's favorite flower?
What was the first mandir in North America?
What was Mahant Swami's childhood name and parents?
Vinubhai and Manibhai/Dahiba
What is Bapa's favorite mandir?
One thing you remember about the samiyo?
many answers!