What is the name of Queen Liliʻuokalani’s famous composition?
Aloha ʻOe
What is the most common language spoken in South Asia ?
What is the real name of Batman?
Bruce Wayne
Which indigenous homeland is UO located on?
Kalapuya Ilihi
Where has HOH hosted their annual lūʻau in the past?
Matthew Knight Arena, Mac Court, Emu Ballroom
What are the two types of pounded kalo (taro) called
Poi and Paʻi ʻAi
What is the 9-month of the Islamic calendar called?
Kim Kardashian notably dated what Saturday Night Live alumni?
Pete Davidson
Name 3 events that are hosted annually by a different cultural club on campus. (not including Lūʻau and Bollywood)
iNight (ISA), VSA Culture Show, APASU Night Market, etc…
What did SACA originally start off as?
A cricket team
Can you name the four main akua (gods) in Hawaiian mythology and what they are associated with?
Kāne (creation and sky), Kū (war), Lono (fertility and peace), Kanaloa (ocean and underworld)
What spice blend is commonly used in South Asian dishes containing cardamom, fennel seeds, and other spices?
Garam Masala
“Spare” is the name of a memoir penned by what notable figure?
Prince Harry
Wiley Griffon was the first African American employee at UO. What was his job?
How many current HOH and SACA executive board members and interns are business majors?
Eddie Aikau was a famous Hawaiian waterman with keen knowledge of the ocean. Where did the Hōkūleʻa capsize that led to him being lost at sea after looking for help?
What are the free meals served after worship to anyone at the gurdwara called?
What character does Robert Downey Jr. play in the film “Oppenheimer”?
Lewis Strauss
Nellie Louise Franklin was the first African American woman to graduate from UO. What did she major in?
Which band performed at the 47th annual lūʻau?
High Watah
Can you list the eight ruling monarchs of Hawaiʻi in order? (full names only)
Kamehameha the Great (Paiʻea), Liholiho, Kauikeaouli, Alexander Liholiho, Lot Kapuāiwa, William Lunalilo, David Kalākaua, Queen Liliʻuokalani
What was the land mass that encompassed India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh called before the Partition of India?
What year was Twitter launched?
Can you order the following cultural clubs from when they were founded (earliest to latest)? SACA, HOH, TWSA, BSU, Muxeres, APASU
1966: BSU
1972: APASU & TWSA (any order)
1975: HOH
1995: Muxeres
1999: SACA
What famous South Asian celebrity did SACA have dinner with in 2017?
Hassan Minaj