What three things help us to understand the Sacrament of Baptism?
It is about cleansing
It is about strengthening
It is about welcoming
Was Jesus baptized. Why?
Yes, he wanted to enter fully into our humanity and show us what was important
What does Chrism ( oil) symbolize?
Chrism oil is olive oil mixed with balsam. The oil symbolizes strength, and the balsam represents the “aroma of Christ.”
What is a baptismal font?
is the large bowl of holy water where most baptisms take place.
What does the white baptismal gown symbolize?
Symbolizes that we are to become a new creature through the sacrament
The color white symbolizes we are being clothed with Christ
What four things does baptism offer us?
New life
Becoming adopted children of God
Becoming followers of Christ
Temples in which Holy Spirit dwells
What did God say at Jesus' Baptism?
This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased
Baptism forgives which sins?
the sin inherited from Adam (original sin) and any sins we personally committed before baptism.
Where were the earliest baptismal fonts found?
In the catacombs of Rome
What does the baptismal candle symbolize?
Symbolizes the Risen Christ, as he is the light of the world
Baptism refers to what we do, not what God does in us. True or False
False/ it refers to what God does in us
Who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist
What 5 things does Baptism do for us?
By the 4th century AD where were baptismal fonts moved to ?
When the priest lights the candle what does that symbolize?
The lighting of the candle represents the flame of faith, which is to be kept burning throughout the life of the baptized.
Baptism is connected with what two events in the life of Jesus?
His death and resurrection
What 3 things do we promise in our baptism?
To always remember Jesus
Keep his commandments
Serve him to the end
What does the word baptism mean?
to be immersed
Where are most baptismal fonts located in the Church?
Most are located at the front of the church, to signify the sacrament as being the “door to the Church.”
What is Chrism oil intended to be used for?
Chrism is used to consecrate persons, setting them apart for God.
Baptism opens what 4 spiritual doors to us?
Forgiveness of sin
Gift of the Spirit
What are the 4 symbols of baptism?
How were baptisms performed for the first few hundred years of Church history?
baptisms would be done in large natural bodies of water, such as rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans.
What does the water of baptism symbolize?
It is so to symbolize that Jesus is living water, and as we are cleansed during the sacrament, we are welcomed both into the Church and into eternal life.
What is the role of Godparents at baptism?
They act as examples to the child of what it means to live a Christ centered life.