Infant Baptism
John the Baptist

What is the duty of the Priest at baptism?

“The priest, who acts "In Persona Christi" acts in the very Person of the Risen Christ.


Why are Catholics baptized as infants?

The origin of infant baptisms goes back to the days of the Old Testament. Back in those days, male infants would enter covenant with God at just eight days old through their parents faith.


Is baptism an individual or family matter

It is a family matter. It is a public proclamation of faith.


What does "ex opere operato" have to do with the sacraments

This means "from the work having been done"

Jesus has already done the work of the sacraments 


True or False. Every person not yet baptized and only such a person is able to be baptized. 

True. Baptism is done only once. 


Can a priest appoint someone else to do a baptism if he is not available?

If a priest in unavailable to perform a baptism for whatever reason, it is permissible for a deacon to perform one in his absence


Where does scripture mention infant baptism?

Peter said, "Repent, and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children."


Jesus convinced John the Baptist to do what?

Baptize him


What is the indelible mark of baptism? 

a permanent un removal spiritual seal placed on our souls by God that makes us belong to God


True or False. Baptism is about our freedom from sin 



What do parents promise at their child's baptism?

Taking the child to Mass,

teaching them the Faith

praying with and for them, 

and making sure they receive the sacraments including reconciliation, first Communion, and confirmation


What two exceptions are there to salvation if one hasn't been baptized?

 if someone dies for the Faith but never was baptized, their act of martyrdom can grant them the grace of salvation.

 Also, if one is truly seeking to be baptized, but is unable to (such as dying before they could receive the sacrament) they can receive the grace of salvation  


At Jesus baptism, as he came up out of the water what happened?

The heavens opened and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove came to rest on him 


What is the oil of catechumens? 

a holy oil which a person is anointed with before baptism as a sign that they have renounced sin and satan 


At baptism, the person is given a candle that is lit from what candle?

The Easter Candle


What happens if someone needs to perform an emergency baptism and a priest or deacon is not available?

All that needs to be done for a valid baptism is the cleansing through water and the spoken blessing of the Trinitarian baptismal Formula:

“I baptize you in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit.”


There used to be mentioned the place of limbo for unbaptized infants. Does this hold true?

there is a theory that infants who die before receiving the gift of baptism are placed in limbo, a place that lacks the beatific vision. This theory has never entered dogmatic definitions, and the mention of limbo has yet to be seen within the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


What does the celebration of the sacrament of baptism highlight for us?

That we rise to new life as Jesus did


At baptism, what is the one thing that we are all called to?



At every baptism, what must the person being baptized do? If they are an infant what happens?

Everyone must make a profession of faith unless they are an infant where the profession of faith is made by the parents.


Why do we as catholics have baptism?

To gain eternal life


Does one need to be catholic to get their child baptized?

No, but the parents must state their intention to raise the child in the faith 


What were three scriptural signs of water in the bible relating to baptism?


Noah's flood 

Deliverance of Israelites from slavery in Egypt


How does the human body relate to an understanding of the need for baptism?

Almost 60% of the human body is water and is necessary for life, just like the waters of baptism are necessary for life.  


What 3 roles of Jesus does a baptized person share in?


