How many Sacraments are there?
This is the first sacrament of initiation.
While not a formal sacrament when a religious sister or brother takes vows it is most similar to the sacrament of ________________________.
This Sacrament forgives any sins we commit after baptism.
When are oils used in Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders consecrated?
Chrism Mass during Holy Week.
What does the word “sacramentum” mean?
During this Sacrament the Priest or Bishops says “be sealed with the Holy Spirit.”
This sacrament transforms a man for service to the Church.
Holy Orders
Often called “Extreme Unction” this sacrament is often given when one is very sick.
Anointing of the Sick
All the sacraments can be found in what book?
How many sacraments do lay Catholics typically receive?
Who usually baptizes people in the Church?
Priest or Deacon
Every Catholic is called to discern their _______________
Catholics are obligated to go to these two sacraments at least once/year.
Confession and Eucharist
The name of the first Pope
Mass is celebrated on Sundays because it is the day of Jesus’ _____________.
At the Last Supper Jesus took bread broke it and said, "_______________"
“Take this all of you.”
This sacrament brings together a man and woman and makes them one.
In John 20, when Jesus breathed on His apostole’s they received the Holy Spirit and the power to _______.
Forgive sins.
The name of the Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington
Bishop Michael Burbidge
All Christians share one sacraments in common.
In Greek, the word Eucharist means: __________________
Priests are said to be married to the __________.
What oil is used in the Anointing of the Sick?
Oil of the Sick
The two-word phrase that describes the continuity between the first pope and present pope
Apostolic Succession