Holy Qurbana/Holy Matrimony
Holy Priesthood
The Living Sacrifice

Sacraments are also called ----------------

Sacraments are also called rozo or holy mysteries.


What is Baptism?

Baptism is our entry into life in the Kingdom of God through water and Spirit, the Holy Spirit.


What is Holy Qurbana or Holy Communion?

Holy Qurbana is the union of the Creator (God) with His Creation (the faithful believers).In Holy Communion, we are brought into an intimate union with the Divine as God shares His real Body and Blood.


Who is the high Priest of the Church?

Jesus is the high priest of the Church.


What is the main liturgy we use in Indian Orthodox church?

St. James' lithurgy 


Why are sacraments called Sacred or Holy Mysteries?

We experience the invisible grace of God in these visible sacraments.There is a divine intervention that we cannot see with our eyes, but we are able to see through the prayers in the Mysteries of the Church.


What is the significance of a Baptismal Font?

Baptismal font is the divine womb where we become “alive to God” and receive the second birth as children of God. It is also a tomb where we become “dead to sin”.


 What are some ways we can prepare ourselves for the Holy Qurbana ?





Physical preparation, like taking a bath in the morning, dressing neatly, and avoiding unnecessary talks and worldly thoughts.


Which tribe in the Bible was proclaimed as the priestly tribe?

The Levite tribe was proclaimed as the priestly tribe.


What does the "Kiss of Peace" symbolize in Liturgy?

A connection with God and with each other.


What is Salvation?

Salvation is a lifelong journey of experiencing the grace of God until we reach the Kingdom of God.


What does Catechumen mean?

Catechumen means “one who hear” or “the learner”. Catechumen is a person who receives instruction in the Christian religion in order to be Baptized.


What is Agape?

Agape is a Greek word that means love.

Agape signifies a spiritual love that is unconditional, selfless and genuine.e.g Christ's love


Who is identified as the "Priest of God Most High"?

Melchizedek is identified as both a priest and king of the city of Salem.


What does Anaphora mean?

Ana means "up," and phora means "to carry."It is a prayer of thanksgiving.


What does it mean to be made in the image of God and grow in His likeness?

You are made in the image of God but are still growing more in His likeness each day. By the working of the Holy Spirit, you are growing towards perfect love, goodness, and wisdom.


What does removal of garments in Baptism represent?

Removal of garments in Baptism symbolizes removing the old man (sinful self).


What does the Blessing of the Crown symbolize in Holy Matrimony?

The crowns are a symbol of the couple being a king and queen in their miniature kingdom on Earth, namely the family. They also symbolize the crowns of thorns that were placed on our Lord to signify the self-sacrificial love required in marriage.tyrdom, for the husband and wife are to give up their lives out of love for each other.

They also remind us of the crown of mar


Who was St. John Chrysostom?

St. John Chrysostom was the Patriarch of Constantinople. He was nicknamed "golden-mouthed" first because of his clear, simple, and straight-forward preaching and explanations.


What is Epiclesis?

The Epiclesis is the special invocation of the Holy Spirit.


What are the seven sacraments of the church for individual salvation?

1. Holy Baptism

2.Holy Christmation

3. Holy Qurbana

4. Holy Confession

5. Holy Matrimony

6. Holy Ordination

7. Holy Unction


When are the only two times the Holy Chrism or Holy Mooron is used? Where is the Holy Chrism or Holy Mooron kept?

Baptism and Consecration of the church.

Mooron oil is kept in a special casket in the 'Holy of Holies' (Madbeho) in the church for use at baptism ceremonies.Only the priest is allowed to touch it.


Who is Christ's Bride?

Who is the Bridegroom of the Church?

The Church

Christ is the Bridegroom of the Church


Who was the first priest in the Bible?

Aaron was the first priest.


What do Husoyo, Promion, and Sedro prayers mean?

Husoyo-Prayer of Absolution

Promion: Preface

Sedro: Meditative prayer after the promion.