Declares you are a follower of Christ, and washes your original sin (When Adam and Eve bit the apple)
what is the purpose of baptism?
The state of being united to a person as spouse in a legal, consensual, and contractual relationship recognized and sanctioned by and dissolvable only by law
What is the definiton of marriage?
Is when you confess your sins to the priest.
What is reconciliation?
Helps us strengthen our relationship with God.
What does confirmation do?
Encouraging believers to unite and to celebrate their common faith and devotion to Christ and feel solidarity.
What is the purpose of communion?
The priest pours water over your head
What happens during baptism?
A fancy way of saying "marriage."
What does matrimony mean?
What is another word for reconciliation?
Because we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Why is confirmation important?
We receive Jesus Christ, who gives Himself to us in His body, blood, soul, and divinity.
What happens during communion?
represents purifying and renewing oneself spiritually.
what does baptism represent?
Eternal love and commitment within a relationship
What does the ring symbolize?
Confession, contrition, satisfaction, and absolution.
What are the four stages of reconciliation?
He says: “(Name), be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
What does the bishop say during confirmation?
Bread and wine
What does the priest give you during communion?
"I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
What does the priest say when you're getting baptized?
He says a prayer and gives blessings
What does the priest say when you get married?
Begin by making the Sign of the Cross with the priest.
What is the first step of reconciliation?
You stand or kneel before the bishop. Your sponsor lays one hand on your shoulder and speaks your confirmation name. The bishop anoints you by using oil of Chrism (a consecrated oil) to make the sign of the cross on your forehead while saying your confirmation name and “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
What happens during confirmation?
"Thank You, Jesus, for giving your blood. Amen."
What do you say during communion?
Only once
how many times can one person be baptized?
Free, total, faithful, and fruitful. These four qualities “define” for us what Christian marriage is meant to be
What are the 4 elements of marriage?
conversion,confession,and celebration
What are the 3 elements of reconciliation?
Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord
What are the 7 words of confirmation?
Baptism,repentance and Faith.
What are the three requirements for receiving Holy Communion?