Explain the Abrahamic Covenant?
Covenant made with Abraham for him and his descendants. God will be his God, and he and his descendants will be God's people. God promises to make Abraham the Father of Nations, give him descendants as numerous as the tars and land flowing with milk and honey.
How are Noah and Joseph types of Christ?
They both suffered unjustly like Jesus did.
Why did God create man?
God created man for his own sake, to share by knowledge and love in God's own life. He created man to know, love and serve him.
What is the Canon of Scriptures? And when and by whom was it established?
The Canon is a collection of books in the Bible acknowledged by the church as inspired.
It was established by the Roman Catholic Church in the first centuries after Christ. It was definitively set as the Canon at the Council of Trent in the face of the Protestant attacks on the canonicity of various books.
What is the Mosaic Covenant?
How is Isaac a type of Christ?
He was innocent and about to be sacrificed - like Jesus as the innocent Lam sacrificed for our sins.
How does sin keep us away from God?
Sin separated man from God because it cuts him off from the loving relationship of God, by distrusting and disobeying God and choosing his own will over God's commandments.
Why is Abraham our Father in Faith?
Because when God called him, and asked him to follow him, and made his promise with Abraham, Abraham responded to God with trust and obedience even when the fulfillment of the promises did not seen fast in coming or at times even possible.
What is the Palestinian Covenant?
This covenant was made with the second generation of Israelites (the one's after the flood) and to their descendants after wandering in the desert for 40 years. It laid out the conditions for entering into and maintaining the Promised Land.
How is Melchizedek a type of Christ?
He was a priest who offered a sacrifice of bread and wine to God on Abraham's behalf - Like Jesus, the Eternal High Priest, who offered His Body and Blood to God for the remission of our sins (Eucharist and the Sacrifice of the Cross)
What is the problem discussed in Job?
How can the afflictions of the innocent be reconciled with the justice of God?
How does the Catholic Bible different from the Protestant Bible?
The Catholic Bible includes the OT books: Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, and parts of Esther and Daniel; The protestant bible does not.
How is Moses a type of Christ?
He taught the law and freed the people - like Jesus fulfilled the laws and freed us from our sins.
How is the problem in the book of Job solved?
Suffering is shown not just to be a punishment for sin, but a test, a warning, and a means of purification.
What four great catastrophes mark the history of the Israelites?
1. Slavery in Egypt 2.Idolatry in the desert 3. Division of the Kingdom. 4. Exile in Babylon
What are the Edenic and Adamic Covenants?
Edenic covenant - when God reveals His original purpose for the whole of Adam's race.
Adamic covenant - God's judgement on sin after the fall and the promise of the coming of the redeemer (Gen 3:15)
How is Elijah a type of Christ?
Elijah preached against error and ascended into Heaven - Like Jesus who is the TRUTH and preached against those who did not follow Him and He ascended into Heaven
How did the customs and rituals of the Israelites reflect their belief in the One, True God?
The Ark of the Covenant was the most holy object of Israel. The object itself was powerless but hoy because it was the place where God chose to come and dwell among His people. Built by human hands, the Ark was sacred beyond all the magical items and idols of pagans because of God's presence and not on account of any power or attribute of the object. This showed that God is a spirit and not and idol like their pagan neighbors believed in