The list of approved books of the Bible
The Canon of Sacred Scripture
This is the most effective way of communicating a message and was the primary way that the Apostles and their followers got the message of Jesus Christ out into the world
Oral Tradition
What was the translation of the Old Testament books that the Early Church Fathers selected for the Canon of Scripture?
The Septuagint
How many languages has the Bible been translated into?
Over 500
Answers may very: More translations, printing technologies and the printing press, digital technologies
The universal language of the Roman Empire and to this day is the official language of the Catholic Church
The history and tradition of the Jewish Faith
The Old Testament
What was the first Council that confirmed the canon of Sacred Scripture
The Council (or Synod) of Rome
Why does the Church encourage translation of the Bible?
Because more people can come to hear and learn the Gospel
What is the straightforward word-to-word translation of Scripture known as?
The Literal Translation
The 4th century Latin translation of the Bible that was completed by St. Jerome
The Vulgate
Who are the authors of the New Testament
Apostles or a close companion of an Apostle
What Council made the Canon of Scripture Dogma and declared that the Deuterocanonical (Apocryphal books) are Divinely Inspired
The Council of Trent
What are the concerns with translating scripture?
What is the moment that the Luther broke from the Church called?
The Protestant Reformation
The Greek translation of the Old Testament books, which the Christians adopted as their Old Testament
The Septuagint
What are the three languages was scripture originally written it?
Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek
What are the Four Criteria that the Bishops used to determine the Canon of Scripture?
Two parts:
Who translated the Scriptures from Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek into Latin
What is this translation of the Bible Called?
St. Jerome and the Vulgate
What happened in 313 that lead to the need for the Canon of Scripture
Constantine made Christianity legal in the Roman Empire
The seven books of the Old Testament that are part of the Septuagint and therefore deemed by the Catholic Church as inspired and is a part of the Canon of Scripture. However Protestants have removed them from the Bible
The Apocryphal or Deuterocanonical books
What prompted the Apostles to write down oral traditional
The Apostles were being martyred and they were going to loose eye witnesses of Christ
Why was setting a Canon of Scripture necessary (explain the circumstances)
Answers can very and will be accepted by Mrs. Sternberg
What is the translation of the Bible that uses different words or figures of speech from the original text to preserve the deeper meaning of the original text?
Put the following events in chronological order:
Writing of the New Testament, Council of Rome, The writing of the Old Testament, Death and Resurrection of Christ, The Council of Trent, The Protestant Reformation, St. Jerome Translating the Bible into Latin
Writing of the Old Testament
The Death and Resurrection of Christ
The Writing of the New Testament
The Council of Rome
St. Jerome Translating the Bible
The Protestant Reformation
The Council of Trent