What was my favorite show as a child
Favorite boy band
Big time rush
Current obsession game
True or false: I've never read old yeller
True or false i love candy corn
What is my favorite genre of shows to watch
Cooking/Gordon Ramsay
Favorite rock band
3 days grace
Favorite childhood game
Guitar hero
How many times have I read the girl in the yellow wallpaper
What color gummy bears are my favorite
What is my favorite adult show
Family Guy
What older artist do I love? Hint Disney movies included
Phill Collins
Whos my main in mario kart
Tanooki or Dry Bones
What was my favorite series in middle school
Whats my favorite soda of all time
Dr pepper
What 3 animes are my favorite
Food Wars, My Love Story, Overly cautious hero
Favorite foreign heavy metal band
Sleep token
What is my favorite 2 game series on the pc
Hunie pop
Favorite Twilight book
New moon
What app do I soend the most time on
Tik token or Ifunny
Which of thr jurrasic park movies is my favorite
Current favorite song
Smells like a freakshow by Avatar
All time most obsessed with game
Which hunger games book is my favorite
Catching fire
What band am I going to see this year?
Big time rush