Group Work
Computer Work
Seat Work

Lulu arrives at school. Lulu sees Susie. Lulu runs and jumps on Susie's back. Lulu verbalizes excitement that Susie is at school today. Ms. Z welcomed Lulu into the building to begin check in. Lulu complied. Ms. Z then took the opportunity to remind Lulu what it looks like to be safe.

Please reference the Classroom Routine Matrix. 

What did Ms. Z reference when speaking to Lulu?

*Hint: Lulu went to her assigned area.

What is "keep hands and feet to self"


November Trivia:

As well as Sagittarius, what other star sign could you have if you were born in November?

What is Scorpio 


Daily Double!  

True or False?

The following holidays are celebrated in November.

World's Diabetes Day, Veterans Day, American Indian Heritage Month, Thanksgiving, Aviation month, National Peanut Butter Lover's Month, American Diabetes Awareness Month.



Staff Role Play!

Classroom Staff- please role play a behavior or situation you have witness in your classroom as it relates to having Safe CASE behavior at "Seat Work".

Jeopardy Student- What did you witness? Was the behavior "SAFE" per the CASE matrixes provided to you?

The answer will be at the social worker and classroom staff discretion.

- Keep hands and feet to self.

- Keep desk and area clean.


Missouri Trivia:

Finish this fact. "There are more fountains in Kansas City, Missouri than _______________________?

What is "Rome"


Jane raised her hand. Jane informed her classroom staff that she did not feel well. Jane requests a break.

Please reference the School/Special Routine Matrix.

What did Jane inform staff that demonstrated "Safe" CASE behavior?

What is "let staff know if you are not feeling well" 


Millie and James are working together on a project. Millie becomes upset with James. James begins to cuss out Millie. Millie is refusing to share her answers with him.

Please reference the Classroom Routine Matrix.

Ms. Mariah asks James to step out of the classroom to talk. What do you think Ms. Mariah will ask James to do for himself to help regulate?

What is "keeping distance from others"


Rotations are over. You are moving to your computer rotation. You notice that the classroom laptop is open. You grab it and go under your desk.

What are the expectations when working on the computer?

Where are students supposed to be seated?

Seated at a desk with the computer screen visible to staff. 


Daily Double!

Useless Knowledge Trivia:

Nobody is to cross state lines with a duck atop their head.

What is "Minnestoa"


Useless Knowledge Trivia:

In what state is it illegal to sing off-key?

What is "North Carolina"


Staff Role Play!

Classroom staff- it is your time to SHINE! Please act out a SAFE or UNSAFE ARRIVAL behavior that occurs in your classroom.

Jeopardy Student- Please reference both the Classroom Routine and School/Specials Routine Matrixes.

How would you redirect or address staff?

The correct answer will be at the social worker and classroom staff discretion.

- Keep hands and feet to self

- Stay in assigned area

- Let staff know if you are not feeling well (School/ Specials Routine Matrix)


Jimmy and Polly are working at the TA rotation. Polly is dysregulated and is continuously stealing Jimmy's pencil. Mr. Troy asks Polly to step outside of the classroom with him.

Please reference the Classroom Routine Matrix.

What will Mr. Troy speak to Polly about?

What is "keep hands and feet to self"


Staff Role Play!

Classroom Staff: Please role play a situation that occurs in your classroom during COMPUTER WORK.

Jeopardy Student: Per the Classroom Routine and School/ Specials Routine Matrix, would classroom staff need to intervene in the situation staff role played? Why?

The answer will be at the social worker and classroom staff discretion.

- Keep hands and feet to self.

- Wipe down equipment after use.



Useless Knowledge Trivia:

What animal is not allowed in barber shops in Juneau, Alaska?

What is a "Flamingo"


Missouri Trivia:

Who is Samuel Landhorne Clemens?

An author. Samuel changed his name to Mark Twain for his writing career later in life. 


Daily Double!

November TRIVIA:

November is the last of 4 calendar months to have what?

 What is "30 days"


Daily Double!

Useless Knowledge Trivia:

What state is it illegal to catch a fish with your bare hands?

What is "Kansas"


"Computer Work" and computer rotations are a HOT TOPIC in all the classrooms. 

Why is it a "Hot Topic"? 

The answer will be at the social worker and classroom staff discretion.


Student Lauren enters the classroom and notices her chair is being used as a footrest. Lauren’s face turns red. Lauren pulls her chair from under her peer's feet. The peer then puts their feet on top of Lauren’s lap.

Per the Classroom Routine Matrix, what did Lauren's peer do.

What is "keep hands and feet to self"


November Trivia:

What is the birthstone of November?

What is "Radiant Topaz"


What are the two expectations are listed under ARRIVAL?

Reference the Classroom Routine Matrix.

1. Keep hands and feet to self.

2. Stay in assigned area.


Staff Role Play!

Classroom Staff- Please demonstrate an example of a negative interaction between two peers during GROUP WORK that may or may not have occurred in your classroom.

Jeopardy Student- Please identify and share what you witnessed during the role play. What did the staff model? .... or not model?

*Hint: Reference the Classroom Routine and School/Specials Routine Matrix.

The answer will be at the social worker and classroom staff discretion.

- Keep hand and feet to self

- Keep distance from others


Daily Double!

Useless Knowledge Trivia:

What state does not allow Dominoes to be played on Sundays?

What is "Alabama"


Daily Double!!! 

Missouri Fact:

What is the capital of Missouri? 

What is "Jefferson City"


Staff Role Play!

Classroom Staff- please role play a behavior or situation you have witness in your classroom as it relates to having Safe CASE behavior during "Transitions."

Jeopardy Student- What did you witness? Was the behavior "SAFE" per the CASE matrixes provided to you?

The answer will be at the social worker and classroom staff discretion.

- Keep hands and feet to self

- Keep distance from others.

- Walk (Per Hallway- School/ Specials Routine)